Friday, December 27, 2013

Stocks up--Convert to tax-FREE

Dow index up over 80% since 2008--Do you know where your dollars are?
Stock market is on track to end the year with its biggest percentage gain since 1996 and is almost certain to have its best year in a decade. Is this the end of the boom? Can you convert some of your 401k or IRA gains into tax-FREE income in retirement? Do you know where your dollars are?

Health Insurance Cancelled? Don’t worry—No mandate
Americans whose health plans are being canceled because their coverage doesn’t meet Obamacare rules will be exempt from the mandate that they carry insurance for one year, under a change announced by the Obama administration.

GOP raises car insurance coverage minimum in OH !???!!
Ohio drivers who carry the minimum amount of insurance will have to boost their coverage the next time they renew their policies. A state law that went into effect this week doubles the state minimum levels of coverage that drivers must carry — to $25,000 per person, $50,000 for a multiperson accident and $25,000 for property damage. It is the first increase since 1969. The state’s program of randomly checking drivers for coverage has found that about 11 percent typically lack insurance. GOP sponsored this law to mandate higher cost insurance. WOW Get all your discounts:

Senators ask why investors can’t see broker complaints before buy
Brokers have been able to hide their complaints in 97% of all cases. Why? Senators Chuck Grassley and Jack Reed cited a study that found that regulators consented to brokers' expungement requests in 96.9% of cases they reviewed from May 2009 to December 2011. The sky-high expungement rate in cases that make it to FINRA arbitrators suggests that the BrokerCheck database "may not enable investors to easily obtain all the information necessary to determine whether to hire a particular broker," Grassley and Reed wrote. "We share FINRA's view that 'expungement is an extraordinary remedy that should be granted only under appropriate circumstances,' and that it should be permitted 'only when it has no meaningful investor protection or regulatory value,'" they continued. "However, we believe that meaningful investor protection includes the disclosure of whether a customer dispute was settled. Not just for transparency sake, but also to help prospective investors make informed decisions about which individuals or firms with whom to do business."
Self-regulator FINRA is owned by brokerage firms and pays arbitrators (industry) to hear complaints.

Long-term care claims ignored by Bankers Life
Oregon state insurance regulators have again slapped Bankers Life and Casualty Co. with a large fine, this time for mishandling long-term care insurance claims from elderly and disabled customers. Consider alternatives:

SCAMS           “Deficits don’t matter” Republican Godfather, Dick Cheney, 2002
Bush wars increased the debt by $4-6 trillion to $16 trillion. 1985 debt $3 T, same as 1945.

Govt buys access to our phones, computers, etc—allows hackers to steal data!
NSA paid $10 million to RSA Security to weaken the encryption technology and keep backdoors in system for easier access to encrypted information. RSA is regarded as an important and influential firm in computer security. RSA was paid by NSA to includeNSA-friendly code in encryption programs in popular security tools.
Millions of smartphone users worldwide use SecurID tokens for sharing information with security. As per reports, RSA generated pseudo-random number generator called Dual_EC_DRBG in its BSAFE encryption software toolkit. Two unnamed sources informed Reuters reporter Joseph Menn that Dual_EC_DRBG was set as default to gain a contract worth $10 million from NSA in 2006.

We let hackers hack bec/ strip on cards is 70s tech
American businesses haven’t adopted widely available technology that would make it far more difficult to commit credit-card fraud. The issue is the continued use of magnetic stripes on the back of credit cards. Most other countries abandoned this technology long ago. They’ve switched to cards with embedded chips that generate a new code for every transaction, making cards very difficult to counterfeit. On the other hand, it’s easy to make fake magnetic stripes.

Credit card firm misled on ID and insurance “protection”—stock up!??
American Express will pay $75.7 million to resolve charges that it overbilled consumers and misled customers on services provided. AmEx charged consumers for identity protection services without the written authorization necessary to provide services, the CFPB said. In other cases, consumers were misled about the benefits of an "account protector" program intended to offer relief after a major life event, such as unemployment or temporary disability. Shares in AmEx closed at $88.69, up 0.4 percent.

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MontclairNJ 07042

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