Friday, August 28, 2020

Is an unbiased financial mentor right for you?

How can a parent assure their child of a bright future?
You just don’t know how your child will turn out. Will they have enough money in the future given that the GOP is threatening to cut Social Security and the individual national debt is already $80,000 per person? No one knows what will happen when they are older. It would be great to start now with a small savings/investment account since it is time and not the amount that helps people become rich. Unfortunately, young people don’t learn about compounding in school so they don’t know what $50 per month can become over time. If invested in a low-cost stock market index account when they are born, it becomes $4 million by age 65. If they start at age 20 it will take $750 a month to reach $4 million. And if you use the tax-free Roth IRA for them, the money is free of tax. All you have to do is put the account on automatic and don’t tell them about it until later.

Is “smart beta” investing right for you?
New fad: growing interest in sustainable “smart beta.” In case you don’t follow the most recent Wall Street hype, that means investment portfolios that say they offer the benefits of passive strategies combined with some of the advantages of active ones, placing it at the intersection of efficient-market hypothesis and factor investing.[1] Here is the pitch: “Recent events have heightened investors’ focus on environmental and social factors, international cooperation and their potential impact on the financial markets," said David Harris, the group head of sustainable business at the London Stock Exchange Group, the owner of the FTSE Russell. "Given these large-scale shifts, combining smart beta with climate and sustainability priorities could become an even bigger trend for asset owners."
In English, smart beta funds claim to beat a traditional index fund by the owners making stock/sector selections based on their own guesses. With this, fund owners are trying to recapture simple index investors. We are still left with marketers thinking they know where the market is going. A “smart” investor knows this marketing trick.

Billionaires use tricks to avoid paying fair share
Robert Smith is investigated for taxes owed on $200 million that was moved through offshore entities. Like many corporations—Apple, Google, Amazon—the wealthy send money through countries with low or no taxes to avoid paying for the benefits they receive from US. Smith and his associate, Robert Brockman allegedly use offshore entities, trusts, and foundations to hide their dough. Tax havens include Caribbean countries only a few miles away in their jet. Good tax lawyers are expensive so you will need millions to start. The wealthy have been avoiding taxes for years. Even those running for high office use tax havens: Bloomberg, Romney, and Trump. The tricks are working and now a few wealthy people own over 20% of all wealth, up from 7% in 1978.

How do the wealthy increase their wealth?
Since the 1970’s, the middle-class has been losing their means of growing wealth: their savings from their income. The wealthy do not need to work more hours or more jobs to increase their income and assets. Once they own assets that produce income, the assets can grow on their own—the miracle of compounding. People like Tim Cook or Warren Buffett don’t work for wages but stock in tax-advantaged accounts. In fact wage income is taxable. Their assets grow without taxation. Assets are taxed ONLY when sold. The wealthy use loans to pay for their expenses. Loans are not taxed. Remember Trump’s boast that he pays NO taxes yet he is a billionaire with real estate income. He claimed a $1 million loss on his 1995 taxes that really consisted of defaulted loans and bankrupted businesses not an actual personal loss. He used his poor business management (6 bankruptcies) to avoid taxes for up to 18 years. The wealthy own stocks that do not pay dividends because dividends are taxable. So they may own Buffett’s own BRK.a at over $300,000 a share because there are no dividends. Buffett uses the dividends of the companies he owns to buy more companies. Early investors with Buffett are now billionaires and pay no taxes because they never sell their assets. They borrow to pay expenses. Clearly, Americans support those who have done well. Our tax system favors those with money even for the kids. Our reps are beholden to the big companies and the wealthy who finance their elections. However, most companies and wealthy don’t pay taxes—we pay their taxes. We pay for the roads, courts, and police they use. Stop paying their taxes!

Is an unbiased financial mentor right for you?
Where can you find unbiased financial information? Some lucky folks have a mentor who helped them get past the recent virus-initiated market drop. They have seen what a friend or colleague has done with investments and followed their lead. Successful people have learned how to cope with money over good times and bad. They claim they don’t even look at their 401k and IRAs because they have been through it all before. They made good choices early on and have kept a steady path since. Unbiased mentors may decline expensive trips which they don’t mind explaining to folks at work. I got my start that way when my boss at the NYC Health Department showed me his Magellan fund statements in the 1980s. Despite the fees, Peter Lynch the manager was creating 29% average annual returns. My boss got me started in IRAs and 403bs not a brokerage account. My mentor showed me that I would never catch up to my goal if I waited to start investing. He showed me charts: Time is more important than the amount he said. Of course once I began to see the account grow, I added more. Then my wife and I started a mortgage down payment account. Like others I fell victim to the advice to buy a universal life insurance policy for savings. I finally cancelled and switched to a term contract—using the old premium to fund my IRAs.

Is your advisor pushing the new ETF model strategy?
Known as model portfolio investing, it’s a booming corner of money management in which the fund companies bundle funds into ready-made strategies. Basically instead of advisors creating a unique stock portfolio for you, they are using pre-selected ETFs (index funds) in a standard configuration or model for growth, income, preservation, etc. In a sense, they are avoiding the risk of picking the wrong individual stock for you by using an index. As John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, used to say, "Don't look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack." The “new” model portfolios are really the old Target Date Funds re-packaged by fund companies for profits: growth for younger; income for older and everything in between.


Like 1776, this period is a test of democracy—do we really want ‘low-IQMobster?

Philly DA: we have an “authoritarian dictator."

Dictator: “we will see what happens” on election loss

How Govt wastes our money: Congress gives 3.7 Trillion to the wealthy! 
Trump mob all voted to separate kids from parents 2018: People will hate us for a long time!
Gov can’t even stop robocalls let alone virus, coal subsidies, fires, senior scams: on vacation

Trump waives 3,000 pollution monitor rules: more pollution makes virus symptoms worse
Another Trump cure for virus: “save countless lives” using other people’s blood: biased results

PO vows to deliver “mail securely and on time" but “on time” is after Nov 3 Trump says. 

Trump seeking to ban ballot drop boxes to bypass PO’s planned delays: More lost mail
Robert Duncan Postal Service board of governors now agency of Republican National Committee
How can I ensure that my ballot is not rejected? 534,000 mail ballots were rejected so far’
Trump has PO telling us lie: “Customer requested mail held”: Trump trick to slow mail delivery

Trump now in charge of virus testing labs not FDA: his new/innovative tests not reliable
Drug insiders have taken $1 billion from us but vaccine not any closer.
57% of Republicans find 176,000 coronavirus death toll in the U.S. ‘acceptable:’ poll

FL Gov DeSantis’s order in-person school during pandemic: ruled unconstitutional.

Sean Premock FL defrauding clients out of their life savings; promised low risk. prison
Mark J. Boucher CA stole $2.2 million with fake letter, statements, fake bequest
Ease of trading has turned trading into a cultural phenomenon to lose money: “too easy” 
Trump lets Wall Street devour retirement savings: gambling can take our nest egg fast

Fake ID scams can ruin your credit report using genius-level method: Check yours Free!
PayPal student loans carry 24% interest so we will never pay them off: 6 mo teaser
Scammers steal $ millions and pay $1 penalty when caught: Trump’s new CFPB agency!
Accredited Investor”: changing definition to rob 401ks: private equity too risky for us
No new taxes: Biden plays the same song as Bush I: song never worked with rich

Rent due without the money or job? Find help: 10 steps to survive
College rankings by how much you earn after college: Some state schools do well.

Who owns your account now?
Man who claims “king of debt” put US over the line: your family’s share is $ 426,824+
Kabbage to American Express: Biz payments, cash-flow, financing fintech

HALF million votes not counted: too late, no signature, no match: no good
“Wealthy hunter types” may save the Alaska salmon region--Junior: “fragile fishery
No one killed: Far-right extremists: armed terrorists fire on Portland protestors

Teens fight discrimination by helping those in need: they overcome bias with love

Republicans for Biden: “save their souls” from evil deeds: cage children, pollute
Why teachers care: required to work in unsafe conditions means quit or ill or die
$7 glasses for people who know what they want and don’t want to spend $600.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ   07042

Friday, August 21, 2020

Is the 8.1% annuity right for you?

Advisors caught charging extra fees for virus
Advisors and brokers may be charging excessive fees, offering conflicted advice and even engaging in fraud to make up for revenue lost during the Covid shutdown, according to a new, wide-ranging risk alert the Securities and Exchange Commission issued for both the industry and investors. SEC noted three areas of concern: Advisory fee calculation errors, including valuation issues that result in over-billing of advisory fees. Inaccurate calculations of tiered fees, including failure to provide breakpoints and aggregate household accounts. Failures to refund prepaid fees for terminated accounts. Firm owners are squeezing salespeople due to the virus. Regulators see advisors making questionable rollover recommendations, transfers to advised accounts and investments in products that pay the firm or advisor more. Some advisors are taking loans from investors and clients. Supervisors are not stopping some advisors pushing more volatile securities. Advisors working from home have delayed responses.

IRS collection letter—IRS never opened their mail
If you mailed your tax return and or check in March or later, you may receive a default notice from the IRS. The IRS stopped opening their mail in March and hasn’t caught up yet. So if you get a letter saying you owe taxes and interest and penalties, don’t panic. Someone at the IRS knows they goofed and did not stop the automatic collection letters from going out. Usually there are 3 letters over months. You can try to call the IRS and ask that they place a hold on further collection actions to give them time to find your check. Generally, the hold can be for eight weeks. The phone number to call is in the top right-hand corner of the letter you received. Anticipate lengthy hold times; they are receiving lots of calls at this time. Congress has been cutting IRS staff for many years. Our Washington reps don’t know how bad it is: our reps do not actually call the IRS. As of August 14, the IRS acknowledged their problem but they may still ask for penalties. Make an appointment to visit their local office if needed.

Wish you had bought Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook?
These stocks have raced ahead during the pandemic. People needed phones, stuff, internet, cloud and information to work at home. Amazon stock has doubled in a year. Many people own these market leaders. In fact they have owned them for years and their accounts have soared—31% in 2019 alone. Many of my fellow investors did not pay commissions or extra fees to buy these stocks. Some have paid as little as 0.04%. We did not use an expensive advisor who could have taken over 50% of our earnings over time. We know that brokers, advisors and analysts cannot predict which stocks will double. We followed Warren Buffett’s advice. We use his strategy to own the winners. Over time we have earned about 11%. Our money doubles every 7 years.

Congress allows Trump to remove mail-sorting machines to delay citizen votes
Trump admits it—smoking gun. Post office will NOT be able to process our mail-in votes and so the vote count will be delayed. Delayed vote is a Trump vote as USPS told 46 states recently. Only one Congress person took action on this! Sorting machines are still off line and mail piling up. Mail-in votes will miss deadlines. Once the vote count is delayed, Trump will get a decision from Supremes just like Bush got from Scalia. Our votes will not be counted—GOP’s judges will decide for a GOP win, again. Right-wing dictators have done this many times. Once they have placed many biased judges and Supremes in the judiciary system, there is no higher authority in our society. Voting, dominated by misinformation and actual suppression (late ballots never get counted), becomes an exercise in propaganda—just for show like Belarus. Right-wing judges decide elections. The power elite will enjoy more tax cuts and social benefits. The middle-class is shrinking everywhere. Many jobless will not care to vote.

Is a 401k loan right for you?
Folks with an alternative are NOT using their retirement money for a temporary infusion of cash during the virus downturn. An emergency fund became a real life saver for most. According to recent research, few are taking advantage of the special penalty waiver: The CARES Act allows qualified individuals to borrow up to $100,000 from qualified plans such as 401(k)s, 403(b)s and IRAs without penalty. Borrowers, however, would be required to pay taxes on these distributions ratably over three years. As a last resort, participants (29%) said they would dip into their retirement account. 27% said they would stop contributions to their retirement savings, 26% said they would borrow from a friend or family and 26% said they would max out their credit cards. The research found that only 8% have taken money out of their workplace retirement savings accounts and 10% stopped contributions to their accounts. Workers in the airline, entertainment and manufacturing industries were the most likely borrowers. Unfortunately, retirement accounts provide the best way to use the miracle of compounding to assure we have enough retirement income. It takes 3-5 times the cash to make up for the compounding effect over time, depending on age.

Is the 8.1% annuity right for you?
An annuity sales company is promoting the “Highest Annual Return” of over 8% with a “purchase bonus of 13%.” Most of us know this deal is not possible in the current interest rate environment. So what’s the story? Well, the claims are made up from some dubious assumptions and tricks of financial accounting. Contracts are complex. I found one insurance company that offers a deal close to the one promoted. To get such an annuity requires a long-term commitment on your part. You will pay a surrender charge if you need your cash before the 10 years vesting period. You don’t earn the bonus without waiting a number of years. You may not earn anything in some years since the rate is determined separately each year despite locking up your cash. You “participate in stock market gains without any downside risk.” They offer no actual policy example on the site. You must provide your personal information so they can put you on their call list. They offer two testimonials which violate the NAIC model regulations. They mislead us since they do not relate to the specific annuity promoted.

Financially independent folks live the Simple Financial Life
The Simple Financial Life consists of five actions. You don't have to be wealthy or a genius to become financially independent. This book will show you how to live the Simple Financial Life: Use only 3 mutual funds to reach ALL your financial goals. Use the best tax shelter: no taxes ever and it's FREE. Protect your family and assets with your Wealth Reserve. Borrow from your own 'bank' to pay for large purchases. Stop wasting $3,000 or more on the financial products you now own. Manage your investments in 15 minutes per quarter. Buy whatever you need at a discount. Practice the FIVE actions for financial freedom. It’s never too late to start.

What is this new form from my advisor?
Form CRS is a compliance form the regulators think we should read since they expect us to do their job. It says we should ask our advisor to disclose all of their conflicts of interest since regulators don’t do that. Since all firms must deliver this general form to their customers, we actually don’t learn a thing about our advisor or firm’s practice. We don’t know how much they get paid and which and how much their suppliers are paying them legally and under the table. Instead of the SEC requiring firms to print all the costs of their services on our statements and confirms they want us to dig this info out by ourselves. Many advisors report that we are not quizzing them on the important stuff like commissions, kickbacks, bonus pay, sales contests and vendor relationships as the SEC planned. Unless your advisor is a fiduciary, sworn to provide the “best” solution for your situation, your firm is not going to divulge this information on their own. Trump killed the “fiduciary duty” rule for salespeople as soon as he took office. Even when advisors treat us badly, they are answerable only to their own firm’s “self-regulatory” body—FINRA. Usually the firm can hide the misdeeds behind a process that lets them erase the theft or deception from the public. Even if you win the FINRA hearing, it is hard to collect the fines. Firms can then let the advisor move to another firm. Very few are defrocked and go to jail. We are not allowed to sue our firm or advisor.

Scammers take unemployed for $millions in MLM schemes
$79 gets you a starter kit to your ‘road to riches.’ Selling a miracle cure or face cream or diet supplement, you can live off the profits of the distributors you recruited. Sounds like a better job than the one you left. The underbelly of entrepreneurship is mostly a scam. Minorities and women are the targets for “multilevel marketing” firms. 99% of those who try, lose money. Why? They are desperate—especially now. The pitch comes in all flavors. Celebrities sell the concept and the owners keep the profits. Internet social media carries the message for pennies per sale. Doctored photos, false claims, and unproven remedies: there is no end to the creativity of scammers. The regulators don’t have the will or budget to stop them. You may remember our president tried a similar scam with his Trump University. He promised to share his real estate secrets. Some paid $20,000. The head of our education department, Ms DeVos, is heir to MLM Amway. Protect yourself.

How to overcome fear of market volatility
You need a complete plan that is focused on the long term: what are your goals; how are you going to get there. You need to learn how to use compounding and a tax-free account. You need to protect your portfolio using diversification of assets and low-cost strategies. Know your biases. If you like to “play the market,” keep a certain amount for that purpose. Separate your assets into short, medium and long-term piles of money. Since no advisor or TV commentator can predict market moves, don’t listen to them. Find an unbiased advisor—one that does not sell financials—like Warren Buffett.


Like 1776, this period is a test of democracy—do we really want ‘low-IQMobster?

Philly DA: we have an “authoritarian dictator."

How Govt wastes our money: Congress gives 3.7 Trillion to the wealthy! 

Fed keeps printing money to help wealthy earn more while Main Street loses stores
When does the gov take a cut of the sale of private property? Trump’s Socialism

CA restores 30 round mags for more mass shootings: “right to bear arms”= kill many of us?
GOP proves Trump election was a fraud: foreigners supplied chaos, money, inside info

Trump: QAnon conspiracy theorists 'like me very much' and 'love our country': Earth flat too.
WH propaganda: election can’t be fair if Trump loses: trouble ahead: GOP courts decide prez

Kanye West, Political Pawn: why does this smart Black man let himself be used by the racists?

Our future? Belarusan protesters are still trying to oust their leader after disputed election results.

SCF Investment Advisors CA caught selling more expensive funds 12b-1 fees to SCF: fines
SCAM: forgot to cash a check; unpaid bill; phishing texts on everything: Call vendor first
SCAM: phony pink slip; fake virus test result; fake video meeting; Don’t click—call first
Romance revenge: posted his credit card data online: change the locks too.
MyPillow guy/doctor prescribes botanical extract: housing sec Carson get Trump to favor scam

Dem Fat Cats cut demand To End Fossil Fuel Subsidies from party platform: Lobbyists $$ win!

AZ school district teachers/staff call in sick: district can’t open
Zillow agent profiles represent the most useful source of information.
Jobs fade: mortgage delinquencies rise: worker emergency fund

CEO compensation at top 350 firms grew 14% to $21.3 million on average: workers wait

Who owns your account now?
Student loan repayment options: Virus-impacted income or not, re-do terms. 
Used car best buys from CR: $5-20,000

Eviction notice? Contact county government for advice before trying a lawyer

Arctic tundra is burning: Fire Radiative Power 5 times July 2019 level. 
Death Valley hit 130 degrees at 3:41 p.m. Sunday: highest on Earth; CA burns
Alaska beauty lost: Trump allows drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

3 men kidnapped my dog, on camera: police arrested the men and I got my dog back safe.
A dent in Earth's magnetic field could pose a risk to spacecraft and satellites and cell use.

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ   07042

Friday, August 14, 2020

How can you know whether to trust your advisor?

What to do if Trump really did cancel SS funding?
At his NJ golf club, Trump promised his wealthy members: “I plan to forgive these [postponed] taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax,” adding “I’m going to make them all permanent.” So all his members clapped (clap signs flashed) and will vote to end SS, Medicare, income and other taxes. Later they learned he will also cut capital gains taxes so they will owe nothing on the gains in their assets. However, in January Trump tweeted “Democrats are going to destroy your Social Security.” Members of his club and the wealthy are already avoiding most of those taxes since they are not taxed on most of their wealth. However, most will vote to end ‘payroll’ taxes since it sounds better than Biden’s promise to deal with the huge deficits Trump has created with tax cuts.

How can you know whether to trust your advisor?
Does every financial advisor have a basic conflict of interest? Advisors can make money from you in many ways. Do you really know how they make money? Are they on salary or commission or fee for service? Many advisors get paid based on much money you have not on how much they earn for you. So if your account went up because the market went up, you will pay more even if they had nothing to do with it. Some advisors charge an hourly fee like a lawyer. You pay $750 for a written financial plan that shows you a high probability of reaching your goals. Some charge for a specific task. You pay $500 for a re-balancing of your whole portfolio. Some are paid a bonus if they sell certain products and not others. They receive a year-end bonus of $5,000 for selling $500,000 of the mutual funds managed by their firm. How do you know the product they recommend is the best for you? You don’t know if the funds they sold you are better than an index fund until a year after you have paid their fees. Are they working on all of these income streams? Are you given a clear explanation of why your total balance has gone down yet you paid $1,700 already? Trump ended the fiduciary duty of financial professionals on February 3, 2017—one of his first acts in office. You can avoid their conflict of interest.

Is a gold asset right for you?
In the wake of gold breaking above the $2,000 level, enthusiasm for the yellow metal has reached a fever pitch. Earlier this week, for example, MarketWatch reported that a fund manager forecasted that gold could double to to $4,000 an ounce. But gold highs are not usually a good sign for real investors. The fundamental justification for a higher gold price that is most often mentioned is inflation. But we don’t have inflation. History tells a different story. “In 1980, some were concerned about… high inflation… From January 1980 to January 1985, the real price of gold fell 65%. People owned CDs paying 12% not gold. Perhaps new gold ETFs are pushing the price higher. Gold has been a speculator’s tool in the past—“I buy because another fool will pay more when I sell.” The gambler knows it is difficult to know when to fold.

How to stay focused on your long-term goals
With all the craziness of this time—work/no work, school/no school, mask/no mask, bull market/unemployment, deficit spending/recession—it is difficult to know what to do with your future income assets. Many have lost ground with 401k matching suspensions or layoffs. Many have ignored their portfolio since it is not clear what to do now. Many more have left their account in Target-Date Funds. Others have joined the Wall Street frenzy to trade ETF. The number of these index funds has exploded—over 5,000—with only a few making money for owners. During this time it has been helpful to some to just keep in mind Warren Buffett’s advice: “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”

Is your advisor’s move to a new firm right for you?
Unfortunately, moving all your assets to their new firm is not as simple and easy as they claim. It is the right move for them—more control, more income, more career choice. But you are going to have to deal with all the hassle—even your advisor doesn’t know the half of it—I was a firm manager. You will experience new account documents, lengthy processing delays and, frequently, significant incremental costs. Besides the paperwork and delays, you have new costs, including ticket charges, account level fees and annual maintenance fees for retirement accounts. If you were with a low-cost provider like Vanguard, Fidelity or Schwab, your 0.2% costs may become 2% a year. This increase may rob you of 63% of your total accumulation over time. You may lose asset compounding—the miracle of compounding. You are forced to make complicated decisions about how trades are made, which custodians, clearing firms, product sponsors and other institutions will be used. You will have to sign away your right to sue if they make a mistake. The benefits of one statement or greater compliance are marketing hype. Most firms are required to provide top compliance now. Plus, with larger firms, you usually have more, not less, choice of the product/service and benefits/costs balance. Some even have salaried advisors so you obtain more unbiased advice when you need it.

Is a ‘cash out’ refinance right for you?
Mortgage rates keep hitting historic lows. If you are tempted to take some of your home equity for bill payment or in anticipation of job insecurity, think hard about all the possible outcomes first before signing. We were in such a situation recently, and opted for the line of credit (home equity line of credit or HELOC) instead. We already had a lower mortgage rate on a 15-year loan so there was no need to refi for a lower rate. We used the equity to reduce our overall mortgage costs—less interest. We live in a high property-tax state so we could not reduce our monthly payments much more with a new refi. Plus we did not want to extend our mortgage payments for another 15 years. The line of credit is a way to get cash out for home remodeling and emergency without the cost and risk of a new 1st mortgage. Interest is deductible for home improvements like a new kitchen. The rate is lower than many credit cards. We did not have large credit card debt so we did not need the cash from a ‘cash out’ refi. Our only big monthly expense is the property tax bill and we are applying for a reduction now. We shopped around for a no-cost HELOC.  We avoided all the closing costs of a ‘cash out’ refinance. We avoided prolonging our mortgage payments.


Like 1776, this period is a test of democracy—do we really want ‘low-IQMobster?

Philly DA: we have an “authoritarian dictator."

Dictator on Harris: Make America WHITE Again

Dictator’s advisors fear “he may start a war
Dictator eliminates Congress: ‘benefits’ for all by exec order?

How Govt wastes our money: Congress gives 3.7 Trillion to the wealthy! 
Congress on vacation: failure is THE option: they leave—we are stuck w/o job or money!
20 GOP senators reluctant to spend more money: spent $3 Trillion on rich: re-election locked

permanent cuts to the payroll taxTrump handlers: he didn’t mean end Social Security tax
Trump to give wealthy another tax break: lower taxes when they trade or sell assets: “more jobs”?

Facebook takes political sides: Employee fired after collecting proofs?
NRA execs accused of stealing $ millions from dues-paying gun owners
Which foreign government will buy election: Russia for Don; China for Joe?

Despite Trump, kids are NOT immune from virus: 97,000 children positive in 2 weeks
How we are informed: 7 million lies about virus posted on Facebook: can we survive?
FL sheriff bans use of masks by his people and in office as FL cases/deaths zoom.

Jack Brewer sold shares of company he consulted for knowing the stock price would fall.
Advisors don’t get laid off: they get paid whether they make us money or not: overcharge
Pyramid schemes hit struggling workers: promises of huge profits from tiny start-up cash
Jared huddles Kanye secretly in CO: conspire to railroad Black voters

Zoom invitation may be phishing scam: hackers using virtual com tools
Packages you never ordered scam: get seller to take it back—they stole your info to use
Are alternative energy firms a scam? Get a lawyer’s read first before you sign.

GA school kids will reignite virus shut downs: quarantine high school kids at home?
Re-opening no masks increases virus cases and deaths: 1,500 dead a DAY record!

IRS tax return center: help open paper returns: check is sitting there: You get IRS notice?  

Who owns your account now?
Our regrets: 50 account/purchases we always regret: sleep on it before you buy
Bargains in home buying: foreclosures are cheaper but not for the novice buyer

Divorce rate for older folks is rising: know your rights, plan your future

Dems need a “very very nasty” and “disrespectful” VP to overthrow a dictator and mob.
White religious power still favors a dictator who put children in cages; brags about sins

40% people with virus have no symptoms: do they have the cure? Virus never dies?
FL no longer requires test for restaurant workers before serve you: Virus free w/ meal!
I believe the president of the United States: everyone else is a liar or traitor

Tens of thousands acres for oil and gas drilling was to be auctioned: we stopped Trump

41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ   07042