Friday, October 20, 2023

Regulators order funds to stop “playing name games”


Nest eggs broken: retirement abandoned costs $536,572

41% of employees cash out 401(k) accounts upon job separation. First, they give up tax deferral and 10% of their savings. Remember prior to the age of 55, there is a 10% penalty in addition to income taxes. More importantly, their future income is canceled along with all the compounded interest they earned. Both are lost forever. Here is a real example: One of my readers had accumulated $494,509.96 in his current 401k. His employers contributed some of that total. When his employer closed and he had no job to go to, he took the full amount to live on and pay his mortgage. During a 10 year period, even though he intended to invest his nest egg, he did not. He could not find another well-paying job. If he had reduced his spending—living within his means—and invested his 401k in a rollover IRA (also tax-deferred) into the same assets, he would have accumulated $567,577.97 in interest and capital gains. Today he would have had $1,104,149.58 in a retirement account to live on for the next 30 years. Unfortunately most firms have no protocol for job termination and offer no financial advice to departing employees. Instead, communication is often left to financial services firms that administer retirement plans, which usually offer only minimal guidance for a fee.


Scams, fraud and hacks: be vigilant

Crooks are using more elaborate methods of gaining access to your life than ever before. Scam text messages from unknown numbers could infect your phone with malware. I just got one that said a package sits in the post office and to retrieve it I need to give info to an email ending in “.top.” The “Hello”, “how you doing” and photo scams are repeating again. A scam text about your bank, “Netflix” or other account being suspended is just to get you to give up access numbers. Scam of the car warranty scam may be phone calls or mail: “Vehicle Alert Notice.”  Only scammers will tell you to buy a gift card, like a Google Play or Apple Card, and give them the numbers off the back of the card. Social media “friend requests” are effective scams for Facebook users. “Pop-up” ads have scam codes that if clicked downloads malware to your device. “Computer virus alerts” scare us into clicking a link or making a call the scammers. They will fix your computer so it never works again and their fee is not retrievable. Call the maker or seller of your device. Scammer can now program scam caller ID to use a fake number and caller city to get us to pick up. Never give up your identifiers. Never follow a text asking you to send them money via a cryptocurrency ATM using their QR code. They may have convinced you the money is used to spring your nephew in jail. Ask other family members to verify the circumstances they allege.


Regulators order funds to stop “playing name games”

After nearly two decades, investment managers have misleading investors as to the actual types of assets in their funds. Consider, for example, a fund name that indicates an investment focus, such as Large Cap Value. “If the fund actually has much of its assets invested in mid- and small-cap growth stocks, investors are being blatantly misled.” The ESG name game has become particularly concerning as many investment houses have hastened to add ESG-focused funds to meet investor demand. There have been clear instances where this rush to meet investor demand has resulted in products that were ESG-friendly “in name only.” For most investors, the habit of reviewing new fund disclosures that detail the investment style and process has never been more important. 

Name alone cannot be the main selection criterion.


Alternatives to costly long-term care insurance

Medicare pays for some short-term care after a hospital stay but not for a long-term need. There are ways to avoid using your last cent on this expensive insurance. Some may be right for you. Medicare and Medicaid have limited programs for your long-term care needs. Most of us don’t need facility care. All states now offer some level of benefits for care in home settings, but the breadth of coverage varies widely. Many folks, who would prefer to stay in their own home, pay for in-home care on their own. Using savings, family help or using the equity in their home are the most common ways to pay a semi-skilled care-giver to help with the main challenges. Some of us own life insurance with a rider for care. Unfortunately, these policies can be expensive and the coverage is limited. Other than selling your home or using a home equity loan, a reverse mortgage can be a great option for covering your care needs. They can be an ideal way to stay in your home and get cash to help pay for care. Others claim a reverse is much too expensive. Clearly, you need to plan well to make sure you have a flexible affordable plan.







Like 1776, this period is a test of democracyWe rejected an "American fascist" once



The Path to Dictatorship: 2010-2030


Parallels of this era in the past may hint at our future: democracy breaks apart legally



Jan 21 2010 Corpor­a­tions’ election-spending unlim­ited

Billionaires paid $881 million for votes in 2022 midterm elections


Nov 2020 Wealthy discredit election process


Nov 21 2020 Trump’s Plans for a Coup: criminal


Nov 21 2020: Trump plan: US Marshals seize voting machines


Jan 6 2021 Direct govt overthrow failed: guns & bombs ready


Trump engaged in a "criminal conspiracy" to stop Biden


I don’t f—ing care that they have weapons


Trump was “detached from reality”


Trump used mafia-style intimidation on the defenseless


Trump still terrorizing election woman


Parscale: “a sitting president asking for civil war.”


Trump: “Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me” 


GOP fascism: “RINO hunt armed; no bagging limitJ6 comm threat


January 6, 2021A date which will live in infamy


Trump’s Supremes END personal rights & state laws except for weapons WMDs


Fascism: GOP to stop women leaving state for abortion


It’s not a court. It’s a junta: Two Americas


Trump: President Biden is 'enemy of the state'


Christian Nationalist Party (CNP) replaces GOP


Nov 8 2022 Trump’s “national revolution” failed


Nov 15 2022 Trump announces for 2024 to avoid lawsuits


Dec 3 2022 Trump: cancel Constitution rules so ‘I win


Mar 11 2023 Pence straddles his place in history


Mar 31 2023 Trump indicted misusing election money


Apr 7 2023 One GOP guy decided which drugs we can use


Apr 9 Illustrated Anne Frank book removed by Florida school


Apr 21 Trump: “I am your justice


May 9 Trump guilty of sexual abuse


Jun 8 Trump indicted by the United States of America

Violation of the Espionage Act

Conspiracy to obstruct justice

Making false statements 


Aug 1 2023 Trump indicted by the United States of America

Conspiracy to defraud the United States

Conspiracy to obstruct Congressional proceeding

Obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding

Conspiracy against right to vote



Attempted coup d'état by any other name


350+ people have been sentenced to jail or prison.



Trump and His Gang Get the Mob Treatment




Mobster #1 Enrique Tarrio gets 22 years 

Mobster Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years

Mobster Ethan Nordean gets 18 years

Mobster Dominic Pezzola sentenced to 10 years




Aug 14 2023 Trump & 18 indicted by the State of Georgia















Aug 24 2023 The Don, Racketeer: GA jailhouse real ‘mug’ shot


Oct 2 2023  Kelly, Trump’s staff, confirms Trump called our veterans/wounded soldiers “suckers


Wannabe Dictatorto run House of “Representatives




Jan 2025 Dictator pardons himself: his Supremes agree



How Govt wastes our money:

$115K magic income number for family to buy medium-priced home: income now $75K

Wasted taxes: NASA’s Psyche rocketed on six-year journey to asteroid: we need housing

SAD: Fed Needs More Americans to Lose Their Jobs: or they could just raise wealth tax




IRS warns exaggerated art donation deductions promoters

Wells Fargo customers reported account balance problems

Citi Customers Report App, Website Problems


TD Bank Customers Report Missing Direct Deposits

Gemini, Genesis Global, Digital Currency caught crypto fraud of $1Billion


Small business scams steal average of $150,000: beware


Court: DeSantis denial of Covid attacks cost thousands of lives: hid Covid severity

Trump co-defendant pleads guilty: interfere with the performance of election duties.

Thomas Brenner OH conned clients out of IRA funds used for personal assets: 10 yrs

Alex Jones cannot use his personal bankruptcy to escape paying at least $1.1 billion 


Tesla recalls 55,000 model X: fail to detect low brake fluid: warning light fails

Chime bank caught deceiving: forced waive rights, failed provide disclosures and receipts



Find "secret" job opportunities : pick the company first then contact likely manager

46% of middle-skill and 31% of high-skill occupations reduced degree requirement


Workplace health insurance premiums for family $24,000: worker part:  $6,575


Who owns your account now?

Medicare Open Enrollment started October 15! BEWARE Medicare scams

Floridians pay more than $4,200 a year home insurance: national average $1,700

Your 2022 tax return extension ends on October 16: avoid the penalty-pre-date check


Use one app to control your data on multiple web sellers/sites: stop selling your data

Free money added to new IRA account: 1% added to your contributions each year

IRS pilot a free e-tax-filing tool next year: 4 states to integrate their state taxes e-filed


The share of households that own stock hit a new high in 2022: Avg net worth $748,800



More of us use bankruptcy to limit stress of overstretched finances.

Some coma patients may be conscious. New research could identify them.

El Niño may save Lake Mead's catastrophic water levels: it remains only 30% full


Marine bacteria gobble up hard-to-biodegrade plastic

Amazon River water levels hit lowest point in over a century

Young driver fatality rates have fallen sharply in the US, helped by education, technology


Hurricanes are now twice as likely to zip from minor to major from warm oceans

Mild winter for northern US: trending warmer

Oxford light chip processes 100 times more efficiently




Our Universe is Mind-Blowing

Light is both a particle and a wave depending on how we look at the light.

I don’t think that there is any such thing as a position or a velocity of a particle.

Everything (galaxies to stones) in universe made of subatomic energy ‘vibrations’

A subatomic ‘particle’ is the smallest possible vibration (quantum) of a quantum field.

A ‘particle’ is an event; not an objective thing. This event is set of complex relationships.


Mass–energy equivalence: E=mc^2.  At the smallest level; Everything is moving

Energy into matter: scientists converted light energy directly into matter in one step

In place of atomic lattice, light waves used to create an optical lattice with same geometry

Physics Nobel Prize: “entanglement” 2 particles share info instantly at a distance

Quantum mechanics violates local realism: two objects behave as single system at distance


“It may be that gravity and quantum mechanics are exactly the same thing,” Leonard Susskind

Gravity might induce the collapse of quantum vibrations into 1 quantum state—our world

Strange state of physics that allows energy to flow frictionlessly through a material

Bending light from extreme gravity reveals largest black hole so far

Curved SpaceTime: heavy masses and simultaneously quantum effects become visible

There is no TIME at this level because of force fields come and go in all directions. 

Universe expanding: events may not come together like they did before: created our time.

Our planetary system: rarest system: only 1% of all systems with same number of planets


Stars fueled by the self-annihilation of dark matter might have been spotted for the first time by JWST

Inside protons, neutrons, it is the fields of the virtual particles that creates its mass.

Gold made from neutron stars: collisions produce more neutrons:79 protons,118 neutrons

The proton is so complicated science still finds new energy entities/forces every year.


“Empty space is a boiling, bubbling brew of virtual particles that pop in and out of existence in a time scale so short that you can’t even measure them.” Space expanding.

New method to study systems with long-range interactions: previously puzzling experts

The electricity we use comes from the field around the wire not from electron itself.


Natural ‘missing law’ explain how universe evolved: functions increase in complexity over time

Scientists build 'baby' wormhole as sci-fi moves closer to fact: inside quantum computer


Physicists knew black holes eventually disappear particle by particle. Now they think everything else does, too.

Astronomers discover raw materials for life are present all across the Universe: methyl cation





We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:




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