Friday, June 4, 2021

Why Warren Buffett is your best financial advisor


Give your graduate the best gift you can give them: tax-FREE money

High school and college graduates need the best gift you can give them: a future of tax-FREE income. Get them started now since your gift can grow a THOUSAND times its value over time. For instance, $50 invested now can provide them with $20,000 when they need it later. Since you have started your grad off with this special IRS-approved tax shelter they will find it easier to keep saving/investing the right way. They will end up with a tax-FREE retirement. They can create a $500,000 tax-FREE account. Some young people have grown their accounts to over $1 million by investing $167 a month while they work. They will pay NO taxes on their wealth. They can avoid future tax increases. They can boost their savings by 30% just with the fed/state tax savings alone. And if they need a home down payment or business start up fund, they can use the contributions tax and penalty FREE.

Perfect gift:


Most folks in or near retirement fear outliving their money

Advisors usual solution: guaranteed income from an annuity. Because the commissions and fees can be large and are hidden, retirees usually buy these no-refund contracts. The contracts are usually thick with legal protections for the insurer and sales agent. There are expensive provisions that can help protect you but the bottom line is that you are paying a lot of money for a stream of payments that may not overcome inflationary costs. So for a 65 year old female with $100,000 payment, she will receive $454 a month for life. However, by age 85, her fixed $454 a month will buy about HALF the necessities it originally did. She can purchase a ‘cost-of-living’ rider like the COLA SS benefit but that reduces the amount per month. Also she can get a refund: for $415 a month, her heirs can get back whatever is left if she dies early (before age 86). She may need more than $227 a month for living expenses. There are better alternatives.

Check options:


Invest the money you now waste

My readers have offered suggestions on how to take money they used to waster and use it to build their wealth. Building your Wealth Reserve with money you waste has been the goal I have shared with many readers for years. First I moved my IRAs to a low-cost mutual fund. Then I moved my brokerage account to a discount broker since I did not need to pay 2% a year for financial advice I found elsewhere. Third, I started shopping for car insurance to save on premium. I have moved coverage 4 times. I cashed in my universal life insurance policy for a term policy of 10 years until my Wealth Reserve could support my family after death. I stopped leasing our vehicles and bought used ones—investing the monthly payments instead of wasting the money on new every 3 years. I started doing my own home repairs saving $ hundreds over the years. Most home repairs are illustrated on YouTube. I started my own publishing company, using Amazon books to handle the merchandizing. My former colleagues from financial services firms helped with the content. A small business provides ways to deduct certain expenses, saving $ hundreds over time. Readers who have followed my advice have accumulated $ millions instead of $ thousands over time using this strategy.


Why Warren Buffett is your best financial advisor

Mr Buffett does not need your fees and commissions. He has $ Billions. He has more experience than any paid advisor or brokerage firm. Most advisors and brokerage firms provide standard advice and portfolio models pre-packed for retail customers. Unless your wealth includes special assets totaling in the $ billions, you get the regular firm products. Sellers sell only what supplies the firm with profits. When you need specific unbiased advice you can buy it from a fiduciary for a single charge. Most of us are going to accumulate less wealth over time by paying the annual fees and charges firms need. Those who pay 1-2% a year in fees and trading mistakes will give away 50 to 60% of their possible accumulation over time. Buffett credits “compound interest” for his success. Thus your $250 a month investment can become $2 million over time IF you don’t pay for advice you don’t need. Buffett’s advice is unbiased and simple to follow. Use Buffett’s advice:


The Warren Buffett retirement portfolio: save $3-6,000 a year

Do you really need to waste $3,000 or $6,000 or more on portfolio advice in retirement? If you have a pension and IRA, the amount you withdrawal from your accounts monthly or annually is already calculated. Unless you are wealthy and can live on T-bills paying 0.09% to 0.17%, you will need to own stocks to overcome inflation during the 30-40 year income needs. You can always hire a fiduciary planner for specific retirement concerns. There is no reason to pay an expensive product salesperson to help you secure income during retirement. First, the IRS will determine how much you will take from your 401k and IRAs. You must pay tax on your tax-deferred money. Second, you could lose up to 63% of your possible nest egg by paying an advisor/broker. Paying 2% of your $500,000 nest egg means you lose $300,000 in 30 years. You may need that money for health care.

Buffett’s advice is free:


Is investing in real estate right for you?

Commercial real estate returns have shined during the last year despite the pandemic challenges. Like stocks, real estate investment trusts (REIT) are up 35% or more. REITs have often performed differently than stocks and bonds, so this fund may offer some diversification to a portfolio already made up of stocks and bonds. Since 2001 the Vanguard REIT has returned over 10% a year. Your contributions to a REIT inside a tax-FREE account may help you achieve a tax-FREE retirement.

Go Tax-FREE:








Like 1776, this period is a test of democracyWe rejected an "American fascist"


Trump violates Constitution: seized reporters’ phone records


GOP & Trump involvement in Coup ends Jan 6 probe


No ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ ?


GOP to skip 2024 prez debates


Democracy slipping away?



How Govt wastes our money:

$ 0.5 Billion warship can’t stop ballistic missile target in test: wasted taxes

NASA expensive Venus trips instead of cleaning up orbit debris wrecking space station



Gov can kill/injure people in the way of prez propaganda stunt: Trump’s Bible walk

GOP fear Benghazi-style anti-Hilary vendetta: Trump, et al will ignore subpoena too

Trump militarist Flynn advocates military coup overthrow US government like Myanmar

Trumpist plan coup by August: Trump thinks “reinstated” back in WH: Talk radio fluff

Pence: “does not see eye to eye” with the guy who incited terrorists to kill him Pence exit


Vatican’s new sex abuse rules still protect abusers from criminal law: just change ‘office’

German Cardinal resigns: "responsibility for the catastrophe of sexual abuse" No jail time


TX law stops teachers from discussing history of racial injustice: racism in TX society

TX law to limit minority voting: reduce time & place working people can vote: ‘whites only’


IRS loses revenue to Michael Jackson’s heirs in disputed asset value:

Landlord plan to evict pandemic victims denied by fed court for now


Police call for more gun control not less: Have Gun; Will Travel (to Kill)

two children armed with an AK-47 and a shotgun shoot it out with FL deputies


Mark Worley VA allowed pathologist to make tragic mistakes Vets not treated for cancer

CA Café caught charging $5 if customer wears mask

Bogus fraud alert lured Chase customer into a scam: Chase suspects customer is hacker


LJM Funds & Partners caught not informing investors re: risk of losses; lost $1 billion.

James Couture MA caught $2.8 mil fraud promised higher returns on sub-accounts


Virginia Theological Seminary pays only $2,100 a year to heirs of slaves forced to work  


Fake news: Life insurance denies death benefit for person dead from Covid or vax



IRS: Easy Steps to Protect Your Computer and Phone and Avoid Phishing Emails.

IRS: Free special ID protection PIN goes on your return so scammers can’t take refund

IRS: Previous tax returns available online:

IRS tips to avoid scams:


Is it a scam?  Check AARP scamline 877.908.3360. BBB Scam tracker


Check IRS:

Find tax preparer:


Check Social Security:

Safeguard data: ConsumerReports help:




Unemployment claims lower: Jobs require vax so all safer

Is it a labor shortage or a wage shortage: back to work for less pay and no day care?

Post Master may have bought his job from Trump: contributions via employees


Side jobs offer temporary work while you look for permanent: GOP cuts unemployment


Who owns your account now?

Best health care insurer in your area: Blues, Kaiser

Aon to sell two retirement units to Aquiline, Alight

SafeAuto to Allstate’s National General


Evaluate Senior Living Facilities: helpful certificate program



$1 million lottery; groceries for vax takers: WV gives guns, trucks, cash for vax?!

Black student denied graduation for wearing wrong type shoe: Your Kidding?

Self-aware material allows heart stent to monitor blood flow: sends signal


New drug that delivers radiation directly to tumor cells: new life is possible

7 year old swims a mile to save father and sister in strong current

Virus deaths slow: less than 1,000 die each day: 675,000 died in 1918


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:




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