Friday, November 20, 2020

Panic or calm strategy now?


Panic or calm strategy until US economy straightens out?

Whatever we expect to happen, history shows we will be wrong. So do we panic and sell as some of my readers have done. Or calmly wait for markets to find a new path? History is no predictor of the future but last time we had an upheaval, most investors who held on were rewarded. We had +31% and -32% recently. The story since 2000 is an annual return of 7.6%. Over most 10 year periods, we have earned more than investing in cash equivalents. Investing in a low-cost stock index fund returns 11% annually. American capitalism has consistently provided dividends and value gains. Fixed income and bond securities cannot match stocks for any 10 year period. So some of my readers have divided their pre-and post-retirement portfolio in HALF: 1/2 in a stock fund like Vanguard 500 Index to earn 11% for 10 to 30 years for future income. 1/2 in a balanced fund like Vanguard Wellesley Income to earn 5-6% for 1-9 years for current needs.  

2020        15% so far

2019        31.10

2018        -4.41

2017        21.94

2016        11.93

2015          1.31

2014        13.81

2013        32.43

2012        15.88

2011          2.07

2010        14.87

2009        27.11

2008        -37.22

2007          5.46

2006        15.74

2005          4.79

2004        10.82

2003        28.72

2002        -22.27

2001        -11.98

2000        -9.11

Low cost beats high cost for any period so no matter what happens, avoid fees.

Pay less; get more:


What is financial freedom?

The last 9 months has shown us what real financial freedom means. With 30 million of our fellow Americans out of work or in reduced-earnings work, we see why many are angry. Since real wages have lagged way behind the economic growth of the past 40 years, fewer of us have experienced “financial freedom”—the ability to weather a job loss or health care crisis. Those who had an emergency fund, a large retirement fund or a home equity line of credit are near the maximum withdrawal point. Many of the social security network programs created in the Big Depression are ripping apart. According to many who study the history of wealth creation, those who used “compound interest” have been able to survive this test of financial health.

Help your child get started:


Hate paying taxes? Cut taxes with a deductible IRA

The year we turn 72, we must begin paying tax on our tax-deferred accounts like IRA and pensions. We are told how much to take out in the form of the IRS table of required minimum distributions (RMD). When we are earning wages and pulling out RMDs, the tax consequences can result in higher tax rates and an increased percentage of our Social Security benefits being subjected to taxes. Now we can make deductible IRA contributions after age 70½. In the past, RMDs began at age 70½, but following the passage of the SECURE Act in 2019, it was raised to age 72. Similarly, the law used to put the lid on traditional IRA contributions after age 70½, but the new law does not have an age cutoff and allows additional contributions as long as you are still working. Even a part-time or self-employment job like Lyft Uber will qualify. We can deduct up to $7,000 each depending on income. On the other hand, if we would rather create a tax-FREE retirement, we can contribute to a Roth IRA from our wages. If we have a smaller tax bill this year, we may choose to convert over $7,000 to the Roth from our traditional IRA. Many readers are planning on having tax-FREE and taxable income in retirement. They feel this is a good time to take advantage of an expanding stock market and save more.

Make a plan:




Are the new ETF risks worth it?

Today securities regulator approved a controversial new rule that will allow ETFs’ to double their use of leverage and derivatives, while ignoring sales practices constraints that had originally been proposed. Leveraged and inverse ETFs appeal to investors and have brought in more fees, but not without significant risks and sometimes losses to investors. The SEC removed new sales practices regulation from the proposal that would have created higher standards of care and disclosure for reps and advisors who sell geared funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds that track a variety of benchmarks. “Evidence suggests that retail investors buy these products without understanding risk and or objectives,” SEC Crenshaw said. “Just this morning, [SEC] Chairman [Jay] Clayton issued a statement that said Reg Best Interest will do nothing to protect these investors who buy these products through self-directed brokerage accounts." Most disappointing is the SEC’s failure to advance proposed sales practice rules that were designed to address the investor harm rising from sales of leverage and inverse ETFs. Enforcement cases from the SEC and Finra show that even investment professionals often lack a basic understanding of these complex products, member Lee added. “Indeed, other types of complex products not addressed by rule may cause similar harm to unsophisticated retail investors," Lee said. "But that does not justify why we fail to act now to protect retail investors in inverse and leveraged ETFs.” A new Fiduciary Rule will protect investors and Manhattan’s former top prosecutor may lead SEC.


Which retirement strategy is best for you?

Many young investors are choosing to take their tax free earnings later rather than immediately. With a 401k or other deferred compensation retirement plan we pay no income tax on our contributions from our pay check. We pay later. With a Roth 401k or Roth IRA we set up at one of the low-cost mutual fund firms (Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab), we pay taxes now on our contributions but pay nothing on the gains during our lifetime. For example, we invest $250 a month in a low-cost stock fund at work for 35 years: result is $1.1 million. If we pay taxes on the $105,000 contributions, we pay nothing on the $1 million when we take it out. If we use a regular 401k with deductible contributions, we pay taxes on $1 million when we take it out (future tax rates may increase). If we are lucky, our employer matches our contributions. But fees charged by some small employer plans make the 401k/403b choice a bad one. Imagine investing in a mutual fund with stocks and bonds paying about 4-6% and having to pay 2% to the plan administrator plus surrender charges of 10% if you change jobs or move your money. This is what some of my readers had to contend with. They switched to a Roth IRA.

Consider paying less later:


American socialism in action: vaccines for some; cost for all

Pfizer’s vaccine for the pandemic should be available by mid ’21. But did the capitalists at Pfizer really take a financial risk that must be rewarded with huge profits? A vaccine for some Americas requires a big company with the capacity to produce it. However, without a guaranteed $1.95 billion “advance purchase” agreement with our government, ensuring it would be well compensated for delivering 100 million doses of vaccine, it would never have happened. Capitalism simply can’t take risks without some form of framework that assures it of success. As many wealthy people have said: “I don’t bet unless it is a sure thing.” Drug companies and capitalist don’t take risks, unless there is a framework for profit. We, our government, are always the backstop. The 2007-8 Wall Street bailout costs us over $12 Trillion—perp never went to jail. We have been buying the bonds of businesses (giving loans) since March’s pandemic. We have been paying money (unemployment) to those who were dismissed by businesses even when the business got money to keep them employed. Many profitable businesses pay workers so little, we must pay Medicaid/SNAP too. We have been paying money to some businesses (subsidies) for 50 years even though they are profitable. ($3.8B Exxon alone) Even some of our representatives get paid twice: salary plus farm subsidies. Some businesses get away with tax avoidance. Of course the rich don’t consider their business “subsidies” or tax avoidance to be socialism and so our reps keep supporting this socialism (gov subsidies). And our representatives are rewarded for helping to the winners win.

Time to ask for the subsidies back:


Did your new vehicle lose 50% of value?

Do you consider the trade-in value when you bought your new car or SUV? Probably not. What about when you bought a used version of the model you like? The loss in value is called depreciation. That is what determines the amount you would receive if your vehicle was “totaled” in a collision. Some of the most expensive wheels top the list of lost value: BMW, Mercedes, Maserati lose over 60% (up to $80,000) in 5 years. I suppose the well-heeled don’t care about that since they can afford it. But if you care about getting your money’s worth at trade-in time, then Toyota is your best bet. One exception: Porsche 911 loses only $56,000 (36%) over 5 years. For the truly thrifty—least money lost over time--it is a Honda or Toyota. Yes there is some correlation with the JD Power dependability study: Porsche and Toyota least problems. Ten cheapest 2020 model cars to insure based on costs to repair.

Get a good deal on insurance too:






Like 1776, this period is a test of democracy—NO, we don’t want a Dictator?


Trump’s war: 250,000 KIA

Trump defies Supreme’s decision


Can we ever trust our government again?


Our ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ 

One GOP Gov moving OH to overcome crisis

GOP wants to “un-elect” Biden despite final score


Biden displays conversations with world leaders like previous presidents so we know what is going on in the world. Transition posts its ongoing work to get ready.





How Govt wastes our money: Our Representatives gave 3.7 Trillion to the wealthy! 

Trump sickens 130 Secret Service: his rallies made people sick—too close, few masks

Seat-belt wearing law saves lives: masks save lives and personal freedom to live!

Medicare Part B premium $148.50 up 2.7%; taking some of the SS benefit rise of 1.3%.


After gov pays to develop vaccines, we will personally pay up to $250 per dose

Trump considers starting war with Iran: nuclear danger 12 times the ‘15 Obama deal.

Trump hurries to sell Alaska Wildlife Refuge to friends: bull(y) in china shop


Trump’s lawyer says it’s a “national conspiracy” by states: 80 million fake votes?

Will Trump shutdown government in final revenge act on Americans? Revenge

Trump country ND leads the world in deaths: 1 in ever 1000 dead: real not hoax




Trump installs his donors to run military: ‘It’s ‘The Twilight Zone,’’ the official said. Trump installs his meteorologist who says “carbon dioxide in atmosphere is good thing.”

Could Trump give up our gov secrets to foreign powers to cancel his debts?


Power of ideology/money to change us: Trump’s lawyer Jenna Ellis: ‘idiot’ to POTUS

Trumpism: ‘They know it’s real and they don’t care.’ ‘People are not being cautious at all.’

“If someone can choose abortion and end human life, then I can choose to wear a mask or not.”


Could Don Trump replace Alex Trebek on Jeopardy: learning the truth 1 question at a time?


GOP: No masks; more deaths proved ‘correct’ strategy for winning IA, WI, ND, MT locals

Emergency nurse: patients deny virus that kills them, still: drank the Kool-Aide

Medical leaders to Trump: work with Biden or “more people may die”: blood on hands


Voter fraud ‘proofs’ being faked to mislead us: GOP states have reported no fraud

Trump fires voter fraud watchdog for doing his job:

Trump lawyers giving up voter fraud suits: Giuliani, not practice in years, is it! $20K/day

Graham pressured GA official: find ways to exclude ballots from count. GOP fraud

Judge to Trump: “You are not entitled to manufacture your own law


Lobbyists infiltrate Biden government early. Former gov employees rotate in/out.

Conservative lawyer hired as Biden WH Counsel: protection from GOP critics?


Catholic officials sexually abuse children: why are they exempt from jail? Citizens jailed

Pope cop out: “who am I to judge” McCarrick & officials who hurt little children for life

Boy Scouts face at least 88,500 claims of sexual abuse: Institutions hide bad guys

UCLA sex abuse of students in clinic hidden by officials: $73 million; no jail

President accused of rape; 25 sexual assault; Biden: “no indictments”; no jail; pay offs?


Does Hate Sell? Facebook caught NOT removing anti-Harris posts by hate groups

Scam: $1,000 payments for bogus covid clinical studies: “help scientists; make cash”

Debt collector Afni caught giving bad info to credit bureaus; fail correct bad data; dispute


Joseph Ashton United Auto Workers caught kickbacks on union watches jail postponed

PIMCO exec CA caught sex discrimination bias in pay promotions report-retaliation


Some advisors see gold in them there oil fields: Oil funds down 35%; Energy funds a bargain?

Keith Ashley TX caught stealing $750,000 Ponzi then killed client: B-D terminated him Oct 20

Wells John Stumpf-Carrie Tolstedt caught misleading re: mass "cross sell" unauthorized accounts


James Booth caught defrauding clients $5 million Ponzi promised high returns; jail 4 yrs

Five investment firm caught selling unsuitable exchange-traded funds linked to market volatility

Matthew Piercey CA caught misleading investors multiple schemes, fraud, Ponzi, steal $35 mil


Amazon recalling 350,000 Ring Video Doorbell (2nd Generation) starts fires 

NRA caught misleading members on criminal defense insurance; keeping some premium

Movie theaters eclipsed: Warner Bros releases Wonder Woman to HBO same day: 12/25


Covid cures/treatment bracelets, drugs, fitness class, ozone, stem cell, lights, injections SCAMS


GM recalling 68,677 Bolt electric cars worldwide that pose a fire risk: full charge fire

Ford recalling 2020 Explorer and Lincoln Aviator SUVs to replace the driveshaft

Ford recalling 15,587 2014-16 Ford Edge, Explorer, Taurus tranny fails

Car prices shown on Carfax do not include dealer “fees”: “great value” may not be.


Lawsuit Trump has doomed us to hell is thrown out: “misleading people, deceiving them to sin


Scam vid seen by thousands was joke: voter official destroying a ballot for Trump faked.

10 internet scam techniques: “just exit screen” don’t click on anything or else

737 Max: Same guys who approved the first time approve it again: none have flown in it


IRS: Easy Steps to Protect Your Computer and Phone and Avoid Phishing Emails.


Is it a scam?  Check AARP scamline 877.908.3360.


Check IRS:

Check Social Security:

Safeguard data: ConsumerReports help:



Florida passes $15 minimum wage—but you have to wait: 2026 in fight for fair wages. 

Most unemployed can find a health plan for $10 a month or less on

Get ready for unusual tax year: steps-to-take-now-to-get-a-jump-on-next-years-taxes


Women financial advisors: women with money prefer working with women advisors


Who owns your account now?

Bank America Merrill Lynch advisors now offer Vanguard, American funds to customers

Top Medicare Advantage plans: JD Power customer satisfaction rating: Highmark,Kaiser

Amazon pharmacy: Most insurance accepted; Prime buy generic or brand discounted.


IRS offers extra time to delay paying taxes: help-those-financially-affected-by-covid-19

First Time Penalty Abatement: you may qualify for relief from penalties

Refinance VA loan with special rates: still pay bank fees, closing costs



Turkish immigrants made vaccine Pfizer is making to help us get past virus: Scientists!

North/South Dakota leading the nation in new cases: GOP resists mask mandates 250K

Our immune system works if we let it grow: antibiotics early in life hurts later life health

Covid vaccine 95% effective but how long are we protected from getting Covid again ???


30 min Covid-19 self-testing kit $50 at-home diagnosis: accuracy 94%: costs vary.

Experience really foul smells of 16th century people who never bathed, relieved in street

Make diamonds in minutes: finally you don’t have to wait for that big ring.


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:




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