Friday, December 9, 2016

Get your Tax Shelter fast

The Don’s real tax plan is NOT what he said:
“The largest tax reductions are for the middle class,” said Trump’s “Contract With the American Voter,” released last month.
REALITY: middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent. They are dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5% for the top 1%. The tax hikes that would hit single parents and large families would result from Trump’s plan to eliminate the personal exemption and the head-of-household filing status. His other proposed tax changes would benefit middle- and lower-income Americans. But they wouldn’t be enough to offset those modifications. His plan follows GOP policy—cut taxes for the rich and hope they will create 25 million jobs. KS is now bankrupt because of this policy. This myth was disproved with Bush II. His tax cuts just widened the gulf between the 1% and us. Most wealthy people invested overseas or hid the money in tax shelters like Romney. They are spending the tax cuts on art not jobs.
Jobs are created when the middle class has money to spend and creates demand not when wealthy have more money. Tesla built a huge battery factory in NV because people want electric cars not because the owner got a tax cut from Bush II.

Is your next door neighbor a millionaire?
The TV image just does not fit your neighbors. They go to work everyday like you do. They drive a pickup or sedan like you do. Their kids go to public schools like yours. They enjoy backyard BBQs like you do. How do we know a Millionaire Next Door? Well you don’t. The study by Stanley and Danko creates a different picture than the one on TV. Most are self-employed—many are contractors: painters or carpenters. Most are 1st generation. Most are just like you except they save and invest over 20% of their income. They are thrifty—save on everything including insurance, mutual funds, business loans, cars, homes, and college. They use accountants not advisors/brokers for unbiased advice. Salespeople understand salespeople so they buy direct and save 201 ways.

GOP tries to stop vote count: 2000 revisited
After closing 868 voting places and reducing the times allowed to vote, GOP went to court to block the recounts in 3 states. “This court cannot allow a dilatory and frivolous request for a recount by an aggrieved party to silence all Michigan votes for president,” the filer said. Recounts don’t “silence all votes.” They make sure votes count. 
In 2000 Scalia and the Supremes gave the election to Bush II on the BS that FL could not count every vote fairly. Bush gave us 2 wars we can't end and big recession. This time the GOP knows Americans picked Clinton, IF ALL VOTES ARE WERE COUNTED. Why wouldn’t all Americans want to know who won? Trump could bring us WWIII. 
The GOP is making US doubt that America is a real fair democracy.

Return to the “good old days”: Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security privatization
Clearly, if they get their way, our society will look more like the days of the Robber Barons than the days of the Great Society. The gap between economic groups has returned to the time when Rockefeller roamed the streets handing out dimes. Since the sixties, the middle class has stopped growing. The promise of the American dream is over for most working people. In 2007 the top 1% took charge of 23.5% of all our incomes—matching 1928. The U curve is plain to all Most of the people in Washington are m/billionaires so having others pay their medical bills and their rent and their retirement incomes for the rest of their lives is a no brainer. They don’t have to worry about paying their bills from their pay envelopes. For them, cutting OUR health care and retirement money to pay for their favorite corporate buddies is their job. They think it is their duty to cut “social” and “entitlement” programs so that the rich and powerful who pay for their elections can still receive their subsidies, grants, tax breaks, R&D, and whatever.

Using tax money for Carrier bailout is socialism. GOP could fix SS trust funds using subsidies to oil, gas, pharma, agribiz.
“They [CEO] are getting nervous, and some CEOs are asking whether they can get a better deal” to stay in the U.S.” In the age of the Robber Barons, they dressed up and went to extravagant parties. 99% of the people did not have health care because they could not afford it. Seniors had to live on their savings if they could afford to save. Labor was cheap. Workers were hurt on the job. Many minorities could not vote or work in white only businesses. Unions were forbidden and broken up. You can read how life was without regulations, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in How the Other Half Lives  by Jacob Riis.
Cut taxes now—you will need money later:

GOP locks in no increase in minimum wage: our taxes make up difference
Since the 1940s, children are less and less likely to earn more than their parents when they grow up. Study suggests that income stagnation isn’t just for the poor: Upper middle-class Americans saw their chances of earning more than their parents drop the most of any group born from 1940 to 1980. The Don has put low-wage restaurant owner Hardee’s Carl’s Jr. in charge of keeping wages low so Trumpers who voted for him can keep their low-paying jobs. Trump has said he wants to grow the economy by 6%. We can barely make 2.5% because most low wage jobs don’t allow excess spending. For example, Rico makes $12.50 an hour at Taco Bell Richmond CA and struggles to make his paycheck cover the basics for his 10-year-old twins. “Things I am dealing with now, [my mother] didn’t have to deal with. … It’s heartbreaking,” Johnson said. “I feel I am unable to provide my kids with the same opportunity.” $12.50 is $2,000 a month $24,000 a year gross if Rico gets 40 hours a week. Most TBs are part time. Poverty is at $24,250 and so Rico can obtain subsidies from our taxes. Our taxes help Taco Bell owner Yum, a Pepsi spin off, earn $ billions for wealthy.

Most reliable cars for 2016 also cost effective
Lexus CT 200h hybrid compact sedan,
Infiniti Q70 full-size luxury sedan
Audi Q3 compact crossover
Lexus GX full-size SUV
Lexus GS mid-size sedan
Mercedes-Benz GLC compact crossover
Chevrolet Cruze compact sedan
Audi Q7 full-size SUV
Toyota 4Runner mid-size SUV

“Whatever I say is true, is true, because I say it enough times”
Our President does his own “research” on,, Twitter
This was where he found out that millions voted illegally. Even dead people.
That Obamacare is the “biggest voter registration fraud scheme in the history of the world” 
That the 9/11 attacks were carried out for our government.
"Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy."
Offer to donate $5 million to charity in exchange for Obama's college records.
That Mexico sends "rapists" and other criminals into America.
He claimed he personally witnessed "thousands and thousands" of Muslims celebrate 9/11 in NJ.
Ted Cruz's Cuban-born father Rafael Cruz was linked to the JFK assassination.
That Antonin Scalia was murdered.
That Clinton used drugs before a debate.
That "globalists" (read: prominent Jews) are trying to take over America.
That vaccines cause autism.
That burning our flag is a crime not a 1st Amend. Right, as per Supremes.
Trump does NOT take the daily intelligence report but watches TV—Fox, CNN,
That his Cabinet officer Carson thinks “Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.”
His voters represented districts with the highest drug, alcohol, and suicide rates.
He does not check to verify the information used to rule.

We are entering the Twilight Zone:
"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone." 
Rod Serling

75 percent of U.S. adults were fooled by false headlines. The survey found that people who cite Facebook as a major source of news are more likely to view fake news as true.

We wanted change: “It could have been Captain Kangaroo and he might have won.”
            The Don is interviewing everyone he saw on TV: K.T. McFarland, Gingrich, Ben Carson, Bolton, Crowley, Huckabee, Scott Brown. These are all Fox News mainstays. “What becomes of Fox News?”


 I am the only one who knows who the finalists are!” Hillary for State?
Like mafia family, The Don has never had a boss, no corporate board to question his acts!
Remember, Don Trump is still a contractor from Queens NY

Actual outcomes: (“So much for draining the swamp” He filled it with new ones)

China, which pays for most of our debt spending, is not happy with Trump already.

Carrier paid with IN tax credits to keep HALF jobs in Indy and Trump takes credit
            IN spent $24 million to keep jobs but lost 3,800—companies reneged!
            700 laid off workers will not be able to buy ObamaCare -- so lose twice.
            Is this what Putin would do? Force/pay owners to keep workers working!
            Carrier union rep gets threatening phone calls—kids in danger from Trumpers?
            Carrier parent UT gets $ billions from jet engine contract from US too!
            Crony capitalism—Palin does not like govt supporting business. Socialism?

Dems won by 2.5 million: GOP barred voters, Greens took Clinton votes WI, PA MI.

The Don claims he won popular vote "if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally", though he provided no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Recount is scam.

The Don disavows white supremacists as they give the Nazi Heil but may have one as advisor.

Don’s vigilantes attack non-whites: hate crimes up in NYC—muslim cop assaulted

The Don thinks that maybe torture is not what the generals want.

The Don may believe in climate change by man after all.
            House committee on NASA says it pushes propaganda. “From next year, entire U.S. government is going to be in the hands of people who really don’t believe in the 'man-made global warming' scare story." Miami flooded is illusion? Coast mayors act?

The Don will “replace” ObamaCare immediately with something “terrific” that is “so much better, so much better, so much better.” 20 million people use ObamaCare. So why do more Trumpers sign up for ObamaCare if it will be gone Jan 20? $75 a month?

Deportations: “get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably 2 million, it could be even 3 million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate.”

Giuliani paid millions by Mexican politician running anti-Trump platform in 2018. Wow

NATO EU UN defunding: Weakening NATO, EU and UN ties is Putin’s goal in regaining Russia’s superpower status. The Don has been flattered by KGB: no friend.

End of Iran deal would be ‘folly’ according to CIA Brennan. “Disaster” for proliferation.

Tax cuts: Single parents and large family will pay more—1%ers get 13% cut.

Cut taxes so econ grows: wealthy get most breaks
Economy is doing fine without cuts: Obama economy created 178,000 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 4.6% from 4.9% in October. 10 million new jobs under Obama.

Stop corporations sending profits (UNTAXED) overseas.

Stop government subsidies (socialism) to oil, gas, agribusiness, drug corporations:

Reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall to keep speculation from consumer banks.  

Trump kids become national security advisors—get top-secret clearance. Giuliani claims “they can’t work in the government because of the government rule against nepotism.” But they can use the information in Trump’s companies and insider trading.

Stop flow of jobs out of US but corp welfare was paid
Ford will still build $2 billion factory in Mexico but does not send KY jobs there yet.
Fiat building new factory for Jeep Compass in Toluca Mexico. Labor is ½ price.
Carrier agreed to 1,000 new jobs in Indy—not furnaces. Taxpayer incentives given.
Trump’s deal “saves” less than half of the total jobs, for a subsidy from IN. Jobs still go to Mexico.

The Don will NOT show his tax returns or his birth certificate. He does not pay taxes: he claimed he lost money.

Promised to stop tweeting so much. Tweeting almost as much.

Promised to act presidential. Stop attacking individuals. Attacked Carrier union rep.

Promised to give up business. Linked business in hidden ownership no accountability.

The Don’s big bluff: what will be done has changed every day since election.

Obama’s rule giving overtime pay to 4.2 million US workers blocked. Trumpers lose

Propaganda wins: 82% middle-school students could not distinguish between an ad labeled “sponsored content” and a real news story.

“I’m going to bring down drug prices. I don’t like what’s happened with drug prices.”
            TIME names The Don ‘person of the year.’

The Don promises more government spending. “Well sometimes you have to prime the pump. So sometimes in order to get the jobs going and the country going.” Congress?  

The Don’s new sub bosses (mostly billionaires with own conflicts of interest kiss ring):

Andrew Puzder, Labor, CEO Hardee’s Carl’s Jr. is outspoken critic of worker protections and has opposed efforts to expand eligibility for overtime pay, while arguing that large minimum wage increases hurt small businesses and lead to job loss among low-skilled workers. Wages will decline further under Trump as he seeks to universalize non-union workers as he did in his construction jobs. Trump used immigrants to build his home on 5th Ave. He may try to build his 2000 mile Wall the same way to meet his promised $8 billion cost.

John Kelly, Homeland, marine general to build wall, guard borders, process immigrants and Guantanamo and keep women out of combat jobs. His son was killed 2010 fighting Taliban in Afghanistan. He has stressed the importance of enforcing human rights and said “But in a democracy, you salute. You suck it up. . . . You cannot act.’’ Served under Mattis in Iraq in 2003 and 2008 and under NATO head.

Carson, Housing, former surgeon, told Trump he was not qualified and doing a government job was the last thing he wanted to do. Has been famous for ignoring science: “My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.” Carson has claimed that homosexuality is a choice, evolution is an idea encouraged by the devil and, most famously, Obamacare is “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”

Scott Pruitt, EPA, Oklahoma attorney general, has fought FOR pollution of every kind—soot, smog, mercury, arsenic, and other toxic pollutants from power plants. He has sued to overturn an E.P.A. rule to protect our water supply. He has blocked Obama’s effort to replace carbon with solar/wind. With the help of oil and gas industries, he has led the charge against the EPA for years. Oil and gas even write his protest letters for him. It’s the 1890s all over again.

Linda McMahon, Small Business Administration, founder, wrestling franchise WWE. Grew from 13 employees to 800 world-wide. She ran unsuccessfully for a U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut in 2010. Trump vowed to cut regs for business.

Do-Nothing Congress will decide US future by doing nothing for more 4 years.

Tolerance is un-American now? Do we have a new McCarthyism period: Muslims not commies?

Regulators are the only protection we have since we can’t sue anymore
               Supremes stop us from suing—State courts no longer available to sue corporations!

Penn Treaty long-term care declared failure. Liabilities $4 billion; assets $600 million
Wells Fargo fails on a national scorecard for community lending too. 2 million bogus a/c 
JC Penney, Sears, Kohl’s Macy’s caught tricking us with false list prices for sale price.

We need regulation—GOP wrong—companies/cities wouldn’t fix bad products on own
GM killed 124 because ignition switch pin not replaced after knew it killed first in 2006.

Police want gun control.
When everyone has guns; your chance of being killed goes up. Police don’t know who to shoot. They assume everyone has a gun hidden. You and real criminals both have guns.
Oregon jury: “having guns is no threat but statement of culture like wearing cowboy hat.”?
Another 4 year old shoots a 2 year old – what happened to the safety switch on guns?
Footballer killed in road rage event and killer not held=verbal “fear for life” claimed?
Scott shot 5 times in the back while running away from police who claims self defense.
Harris gets life for killing son by leaving him in hot car in GA in June

SCAMS: Repeal ObamaCare will hurt the very people who elected Trump

Scammers use IRS letters to trick you into paying tax bill you don’t owe. Check your account online first:

Ignoramus Award: Man shoots up eatery after fake news of Hillary sex traffic scheme.
FL woman makes death threats against the parent of a child who died in the Sandy Hook because she believed the fake news that the attack was a hoax. Flynn son hoaxing too.
2 kids light up TN, killing 14 people and destroying 2 towns. Motive unknown.

How our government wastes our money—letting companies not pay taxes is waste
Giving Carrier money to keep jobs in IN is not good policy—No different than Russia’s state SOCIALISM and what we do for Boeing, Alcoa, Nike, et.

Microsoft Apple Google and 5 other tech firms now account for more than a fifth of the $2.10 trillion in profits that U.S. companies are holding OVERSEAS, according to a Bloomberg News review of the securities filings of 304 corporations. 

F-35 fighter's capabilities abound but so do the problems from engine fires to computing malfunctions. It has limited firepower and could lose in a fight. The Navy F-35 costs $337 million each. The A-10 is more cost effective.

The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget

Where have all the jobs gone?
General Mills cut 600 jobs as breakfast menu changes. Adding more sugar?
Dog walker makes $110,000 and part time handyman $150/hr—more jobs
More Americans are working part time juggling several jobs to make a living.
Retail jobs: Sears JCPenny Macy Kohl closing stores – Amazon, online sales

Who owns your account now?
Penn Treaty long-term care declared failure. Liabilities $4 billion; assets $600 million


41 Watchung Plaza, B242
MontclairNJ 07042

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