Friday, July 30, 2021

Save $1,000 a year on life insurance alone


Our retirement system is broken: fix yours now

Your employer has stopped helping you reach your retirement goals. Your alternatives are limited by your employer’s choice of investment options. Many have stopped matching your contributions to their 401k or 403b. Many use very expensive mutual fund plans. Paying 2% in investment, plan and services fees “will erode 63 percent of what you would have had.” Even worse, if you are using a variable annuity, you may be charged 7%. Small employers often use variable annuities from an insurance agent since this costs your boss nothing: very costly. ALTERNATIVE: use the new retirement plan that offers a complete set of mutual funds and stocks at low cost. The new plan allows you to accumulate more at almost no cost. And when you retire you will pay no state and federal income taxes on the full amount. For instance, if you invest $250 a month you could have $1 million to spend as you wish with no taxes. You can also take a loan at any time without the 10% penalty and income tax usually charged for 401k plans. 

Double your nest egg:


Another way the wealthy pay NO taxes

“Asset-backed loans are one of the principal tools that the ultra-wealthy are using to game their tax obligations down to zero,” one analyst said. With low interest loans available, the rich pledge their stock, pictures or land for a line of credit. They can use the loan to buy that new mansion, boat or business without paying tax if they had sold their stock, pictures, or land for the purchase: neat. Further, locking in a long-term low-interest loan on an appreciating property assures the rich will not be hurt by future inflation. Paying off a 1% loan with an asset that grows at 8% is perfect for the future rise in prices. Another tax loophole (1035 exchange) allows a wealthy investor to exchange (SELL) their old property for a new one (BUY) without any capital gains. 1031 exchanges allow the wealthy to indefinitely defer capital gains taxes on investment properties. Two main types of taxes can be due upon the sale of an investment property: capital gains tax and depreciation recapture. Thus, a family legacy can be perpetuated for generations without ever paying their fair share of taxes. Our ‘collective’ debt is now 28 Trillion.

Stop paying their taxes:


Save $1,000 a year on life insurance alone

A recent survey of the cost of life insurance shows that shopping around really pays off. The survey showed that the cost of a 20 year term policy paying $500,000 to your family ranged from $1,896 at Allstate to $709 at unknown insurer sold by LifeQuotes. A real life 40 year old male in excellent health got the quote. Why the big difference? Allstate is not competitive in life because auto insurance is their game. Their mutual funds are also not competitive. Like Allstate, many companies sell these expensive products to “loyalty” customers since they know their niche does not shop around. The Allstate buyer spends $37,920 for the same $500,000 check as the other insurer pays in return for $14,180. The difference, $23,740 is pure profit for Allstate. The unknown insurer at $709 is still making money because this survey did not include not-for-profit insurers who charge $230 or $4,600 total. The difference $33,320 or $1,666 a year, if invested in a stock mutual fund during that 20 years could provide an extra $136,166 in retirement. The benefit $500,000 to your family is the same but the cost difference $1,666 pays off home.

Insurance discounts:


Are you spending enough in retirement?

Savers have a hard time spending their nest egg when they retire. Most savers don’t realize how far we have come in the last 10 years. The market index has climbed 15.6% a year since 2009. Your $100,000 grew to $537,000. You could get your grandchildren started in their future $1 million fund or fund a college 529 account. Each of you is allowed to give each person up to $15 grand without tax. Every retiree wishes their parents had started their savings early. That may be your legacy to your family each year instead of waiting until you die. Plus, using a low-cost index in a tax-advantaged account they could reach their life goals and never pay taxes on the gains of the account. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.


Where to invest for the next ten years

The fastest growing age group is the over 65 year olds. What do ‘grays’ need? We need health care at home, low-cost advocates, drugs, medical interventions, hospital services, vacations, public transportation, Social Security guarantees, security, and shared living spaces. Which firms will be able to meet these needs? Many companies that provide these services and products are represented by the largest 500 US corporations. How can we invest in all of them since we don’t know which will excel? We can follow Warren Buffett’s advice and own a little of each one of them. He recommends the low-cost index of all these firms for retirement funding. They provide both growth and income at a reasonable cost. They provide broad market exposure. In fact, Mr Buffett thinks we don’t need a broker to provide what we need in retirement. All we need is patience and common sense smarts.

Pay less, earn more:


How to maintain patience in a volatile market

Every investor stays calm as the market produces 15, 18 even 40% returns over time. But what happens “when the tide goes out and you discover who’s been swimming naked.” as Buffett says. How do we learn that the “market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient”. He explained why we should NOT follow the advice of Wall Street. He has told us how to be successful investors. We need a plan with long-term goals. We need to keep them on our fridge so we see them everyday. Volatile times are normal: that is when the wise buy stocks. Remember, time is on our side. Be aware of the history of the market—up 32%; down 37%; up 11.06 over time. Proof: IRAs with big bucks have tripled over the last 10 years.

Unbiased advisor:







Like 1776, this period is a test of democracyWe rejected an "American fascist" once



Our Jan 6 ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission


‘Hang Mike Pence!’: “home-grown fascism


Who rallied the terrorists to attack Congress?


GOP as terrorist enablers



How Govt wastes our money:

Congress’s tax loophole helps bitcoin holders avoid taxes: we subsidize the rich

Some states have stopped counting Covid cases: we are moving into the Middle Ages

TX will punish any business that requires masks for protection of customers

You can’t claim your $100 now if you were vaccinated last year


25% new LA cases from vaxx people: Delta is far more infectious: Vaxxed get colds.

$3 billion U.S. aid program to help Mexico security failed to reduce bloodshed.



BEWARE: Get on the floor quickly if you are older: no senior pass from cops: shoot first

Facebook wants people to be able to connect with God: Mark’s great money-maker idea!


Vatican trial for theft $10 million in donations but just one for sex abuse hundreds kids 

US funded Pakistan allows women to be beheaded for speaking out: religion or family?


Judge gives FL go ahead with Covid infections on cruises: FL needs revenue!

Conservatives get Covid illness then change to pro-vaxer: ideology or science?

Stephen Harmon, megachurch, vocal opponent of vaccines, dies: he add to 613,000 dead?

Covid vax NOT “personal decision”: you can infect and kill others like drunk driver kills

Don’t let anybody know that I got this vaccine.” MO anti-vaxxers


Another Bolt up in flames: GM recalls 69,000 EV for ineffective repair

Senior discounts: tricky rules may put you off but 15-20% off can save big

George Heckler SC caught hedge fund debacle stole $19.3 million: 5 years prison  

Investors leave Robin and the merry men in the woods


Supremes insist renters eviction stands: Eviction ban ends tomorrow 7/31.


Architect of Surfside condo previously suspended after other buildings had serious faults



Earn $200 by streaming a NYC murder, fire or accident: use phone for Citizen watch

Intel says it will make chips we lack for cars, appliances, etc: I must wait 18 mo fridge?

President’s job description does NOT include inciting insurrection: Feds not immune


Who owns your account now?

Eviction coming for millions: rental assistance funds by state, city, county

Protect your tax return: use a IP PIN to submit your tax return: PIN issued after check

Expiration? We are sitting on $15 billion in unused gift cards and credits


Car insurance rates: are you paying more than average? Time to shop and save



Cockatoos breaking into trash bins across Sydney: learned how from other birds

Snow leopard at San Diego zoo catches coronavirus: no vaccine mandate for the staff

New breast cancer drug destroys deadliest tumors — even after they spread


Police & bystanders save baby by lifting car after drunk hits baby & mom

3 more states will require employers to offer IRAs if they don’t offer pension plans.

Oldest animal fossil: sponge 890 million years old today: Happy Birthday!


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:



41 Watchung Plaza, B242

MontclairNJ   07042


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Friday, July 23, 2021

Can bull market continue?


Most employers are charging you too much for their 401k

Nearly one-third of investors believe they do not pay any fees or expenses at all for their investment accounts or they don’t know how much they are paying. Thirty-seven percent of people with a 401k told TD Ameritrade they didn’t think they paid any fees at all. My former industry has been hiding financial advice and product fees from us all our lives. Since employers should be helping us reach our retirement goals (since they don’t provide pensions anymore), they should be charging us zero. Instead they have not made it easy to decipher 401k 403b plan documents. They are written by legal scholars to protect employers, not help us understand how much we are losing over time. Paying 2% in investment, plan and services fees “will erode 63 percent of what you would have had.” Even worse, if you are using a variable annuity, you may be charged 7%. Small employers often use variable annuities from an insurance agent since this costs your boss nothing. Consider low-cost alternatives:



How assets build your Wealth Reserve

Over time, using a low-cost stock mutual fund, you can create your retirement nest egg. And if you use your IRS-approved investment account, you can spend it all without federal and state income taxes. We call this account a Wealth Reserve because after accumulating your assets for a number of years, you can use your reserves to save on insurance premiums and credit card interest. Debt is the biggest wealth killer. Mortgage debt works because it is tax-advantaged for a large asset that “grows by itself.” We use a low-cost stock mutual fund because we can overcome advisor fees and inflation. The Miracle of Compounding helps us convert $250 a month, $3000 a year, into $1,000,000 in about 33 years. After 15, years you can borrow from your Wealth Reserve to buy a used luxury car. If you make the payments back to your Wealth Reserve instead of paying a car loan interest, you can fund a business start-up. The sooner you begin the sooner you can accomplish all your financial goals. Pinpoints%20Investor%20Pain%202015.pdf

Start your Wealth Reserve today:


Is a “direct indexing” product right for you?

A direct indexing product is a ‘low-cost’, highly customizable, separately managed account. Your advisor personalizes your portfolio of stocks. It attempts to replicate the performance of an index by purchasing the underlying individual equities instead of using an ETF or mutual fund. So you are paying for each trade (500 index, for instance) instead of just buying the low-cost no commission alternative. There are thousands of index funds already; having your advisor re-create the wheel seems stupid and expensive. One of the benefits, according to one money manager, is that “you can buy part of a share that costs a lot, like Google or Amazon.” But you can do that already via any online broker, even at Vanguard. It is difficult to see how buying and maintaining 500 stocks individually commissioned can be cheaper than using a mutual fund costing 0.04% like the 500 Index. One broker claims that "This concept was developed when the research showed that the active manager fails to beat the market the vast majority of the time, so investors have a higher probability of success if they just own the index," according to one advocate. Tax harvesting, ethical stocks and reduced risk are the benefits, he says. Sounds like Wall Street has come up with another trick marketing scheme to sell managed portfolio management for a fee to ‘compete’ with simple low-cost index funds.

Use real indexing:


Can the stock market continue to hit new highs?

When the market produces average annual gains of 15.59% since 2009, you must ask how much longer can this continue? The long-term average is 10-12% depending on the period. Every honest advisor and economist (not on TV) will admit they don’t know what will happen. So we all face the same dilemma: hold or try to time the market. Option 1: hold your assets where they are. This requires patience when the market goes down and up. And ‘patience’ is what Warren Buffett advises: "The market is a way to transfer money from the impatient to the patient." Over most periods of time, compounding works best when you don’t trade or re-balance your portfolio. Option 2: Trading requires that you know when the market is at a high point and again when the market is at a low point. You must be right twice. No amateur or professional has been able to know those points over any period of time. Buffett has held some stocks forever: “our holding period is forever.” Since we don’t know when to sell and re-buy, the best strategy is to do nothing—be patient—stocks will rebound. Where else can you put your money? There  is no better asset for the long-term. Fidelity analyzed the outcomes of their long-term investors and found the non-trader accounts had the best investment successes. In fact, the best outcomes were in accounts that were forgotten or the owners had died. Face it; no one can know the future.

“Know thyself:”






Like 1776, this period is a test of democracyWe rejected an "American fascist" once



Our Jan 6 ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission


Terrorist gets 8 months for coup attempt


GOP big lie: Trump ‘won’: repeat repeat repeat: new “TRUTH”




How Govt wastes our money:

Gov spyware for terrorists put on phones of reporters, human rights, execs, pols, officers

“From a dozen countries, you can spy on the rest of the world.” Gov buys info on anyone.

Millionaire GOP drops IRS audit funding bill: wealthy free to hide income; we pay more

Jeff uses his tax avoidance for $5.5 Billion ride: Amazon pays 0% tax; we pay 32.9%


How a society treats its elderly tells you all you need to know about its human values

Biden lets Trumpist Wilbur Ross escape after lying to Congress: Biden’s wrong message

Judge halts Arkansas ban on abortions: “imminent threat” to women constitutional rights



We train assassins for the world: we help nations kill people

Terrorists go to the game; to the fire;  Some terrorists named heroes.

Texas stops teaching that Ku Klux Klan was morally wrong: racist culture in TX


Jeff could have paid a bonus for every unvax person to get the vax: we all live longer

Trump told America Covid was hoax but got vax himself: now ½ of us on death watch

Covid cases rose 140% in the past two weeks: our health going in wrong direction

Year late, McConnell urges vax after watches 610,000 die: too little too late Mr Hannity

Covid carrier boards plane as woman in ni·qab so he can fly: easier to get vax?

Texas hospital reported its first case of the Lambda COVID-19 variant

LA: On Wednesday, 2,551 new infections were recorded among non-vac people


Crypto market Binance has no complaint center so buyer beware: FTC can’t help you

Same price but get less: downsizing raises profits/CEO pay or just raise prices for CEO $


Scammers keep our scam money: Supremes vote against recovery: where is Congress?

Rental car scams: demand high; supply low: prices rise. Beware low price scammers.

MoneyGram scam refunds: 300,000 complaints to FTC.

Food package dates: we waste more food than the world combined.


UBS caught selling inappropriate funds: ETP linked to short-term market volatility: fine

BlackRock managers take $4.82 billion from higher fees from 15% market gain: no sweat

Joy and Brent Kovar caught stealing from 277 clients: offering “massive returns  crypto



Fake job scams have skyrocketed: check sent to set up is fake so they can empty account

Since July 2009, when the $7.25 minimum went into effect, it has lost 18% of its value

NFL requires vax so some players may quit: $ millions at stake: hurting teammates?


Who owns your account now?

Your iphone is vulnerable despite Apple claims: “hacked multiple times with Pegasus”

Retirement plan business of Prudential Financial to Empower Retirement

Medicare cost and payment problems: report shows areas of concern





Court rules kids in US can buy and use guns: “teens used to serve in militias in 1791”

Fire so overwhelming it’s creating its own weather: OR burns area larger than LA


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:



41 Watchung Plaza, B242

MontclairNJ   07042


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Friday, July 16, 2021

Safest asset to hold in retirement


How to achieve financial independence on average wages

Financially independence: the ability to reach all your financial goals. To be free to pursue what is really important to you. Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger have been operating independently for over 50 years. They recently explained: “We made a lot of money. But what we really wanted was independence. And we have had the ability since pretty much a little after we met financially we could associate with people who we wanted to associate with. We’ve had that luxury now for, you know, 60 years or close to it. And, and that beats 25-room houses and, you know, six cars or that stuff is, what really is great is if you can do what you want to do.” Buffett is reported to have driven his old Beatle everyday long after earning $millions. Money helps you live free.

True freedom is the ability to control how you spend your time.


What do you do when your advisor is fired?

Merrill Lynch Bank of America’s wealth management unit ‘lost’ 423 advisors. Despite fewer producers, BoA raked in record assets under management, asset management fees and new clients. Year over year, the firm cut 1,237 advisors. Client balances hit $3.1 trillion, up 25% year-over year. Revenue jumped without new staff due to market advances. The average client household increased to $1.4 million. If your advisor has dropped you, you need to reconsider the fact that you don’t need an advisor to increase your assets. You can buy advice from a planner for a one-time fee instead of paying 1-2% every year (even when your advisor is not needed). Merrill and the bank have enormous fixed expenses that you must pay for no matter what the market does. You pay even when your account falls in value. There are no refunds when the market tanks.

Consider a Robo before the lean years:



What is the safest asset to hold in retirement?

Advisors have sold almost every asset class as the “safest” place to put our money. Some say bits of computer code, gold certificates, Treasury notes, banks, paintings, land, buildings, hotels, etc. The list is endless as long as they can make a commission. Two stubborn facts keep most of my readers in stocks. One, over almost any period of history, stocks and low-cost stock funds have provided the safest place to keep our money. Dalbar keeps track of how assets grow over time. PressReleases/DALBAR%20Pinpoints%20Investor%20Pain%202015.pdf. Using a low-cost stock index fund like Vanguard’s 500 Index, our money has gained 11.3% since 1976. We are talking long-term not every year. Two, wealthy people, who have no interest in selling us, have shown us that putting their money in businesses—their own or ones we can buy—have kept them rich. Warren Buffett provides his unbiased advice.

Two funds for retirement:


Wealthy deduct their sports fun expenses: we pay more so they pay less

Wouldn’t you love to deduct from your wages all your expenses for your sports—equipment, tickets, ground fees, parking fees, beer, snacks, etc? While we pay 33% average income taxes, our millionaire Congress people give the wealthy tax benefits we don’t get. “Take Steve Ballmer, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers and former CEO of Microsoft. For 2018, Ballmer reported making $656 million to the IRS. His federal income tax rate was just 12%.” As one owner said: “Look, we play the Star Spangled Banner before every game. You want us to pay income taxes too?”

Start paying less:


Best deal for moving 401k, 403b employer pensions

When you change jobs or retire, you may have a choice of moving your nest egg. Instead of cashing it in and giving up 20% in tax withholding, have one of the low-cost mutual fund companies move it for you. By moving your money to a low-cost provider, you are assuring yourself of the maximum growth in the future accumulation: you keep more when you pay less. When you have you new firm move the money for you, you guarantee you will not give up tax withholding. Once your former employer sends the money to the IRS, you may have to wait a year to get it back. Plus you may miss out on a year of earnings. If you use a basic stock index like Vanguard’s 500 Index, you might miss market returns like the last few years:


2020        18.38

2019        31.74

2018        -4.41

2017        21.94

2016        11.93

2015          1.31

2014        13.81

2013        32.43

2012        15.88


Some of our readers have seen their nest eggs skyrocket from $600,000 to $1,215,000 in the last 9 years. That’s a 15% average annual return. Because they use a low-cost stock market fund and had their provider move the money directly (“trustee to trustee” transfer), they kept the 10% tax withholding fee working and making more money.

Check your best deal:


Social Security offices still closed and behind in processing

You can check the status of your benefits, appeal, wage credits, estimated SS income at I recently applied for Medicare and Medicare Advantage by sending forms for Part B to my local SS office. They did not enroll me for over a month—paperwork was not complete. I found that their folks are not working in the office so they don’t always complete the process of enrollment in a timely manner. Thanks to an online account, I was able to alert them to the delay and I am now paying my $148.50 from my SS benefit. Hopefully SS COLA increases will keep up with Medicare increases so I won’t have to make more payments. Unfortunately, GOP does not seem to want to save our SS for the future since the trustees think our benefits will be cut 25% by 2035. GOP could have fixed SS trust when they gave the wealthy their 2017 tax cuts. I will have to go back to work to make up the shortfall: $7.25 x 40 hrs = $290-income, FICA, Medicare, state taxes = $197.20. Maybe Jeff can pay his fair share instead of deducting his quick ride.

Save smart:






Like 1776, this period is a test of democracyWe rejected an "American fascist" once



Our Jan 6 ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission


Trump: “I got impeached twice. I became worse” CPAC applause


What if Trump’s coup had succeeded?


Can we trust the military to stop a new ‘Leader’?


What if Trump’s fascist party wins in 2022?



How Govt wastes our money:

FREIGHTCAR AMERICA took our $10 million PPP: fired 500 workers: moved to Mexico

Southern states urging vaxx NOW after urging NO vaxx in Trump era.

Losing $ Billions revenue: audits on high-income taxpayers fell 37%: rich avoid taxes


TX GOP plans to arrest your representative for objecting to voter suppression: fascism?

GOP won’t talk to Breyer’s replacement just like they did to Garland: no more consents!



CA lawn watering drains drinking water supply: almonds require more

Chime, online bank caught locking users accounts: some can’t access their cash

Billionaires take expensive ride: do we have to hear about it everyday?


The SH*T hits the beach in LA: raw sewage released into ocean: contractor dumping

CA medical board overlooks negligent docs: death, bad surgery, missing limbs, bad info.

J&J recalls Aveeno, Neutrogena sunscreens after carcinogen found in some sprays



Covid booster shots for the future? Current deaths only in unvaxxed.

States where Covid stalks us: mutants can go on for years in unvaxxed.

Vaccines “kind of [go] against nature” media expert declares: death against nature too


Putin used “mentally unstable”, impulsive” “unbalanced” Trump to hurt America 2016.


Biden threatens Putin with words: US never learns—former KGB doesn’t scare

Biden welcomes Saudi killer with open arms: but “the pariah” has oil money 

Pence calls Biden weak: fixation on China echoes Trumpists’ diversion


TX black man on parole stood 6 hours to vote Dem 2020: crime: jail for 20 years?

FBI not respond urgently to young girls’ complaints of molester Dr Nassar


GreenSky caught finding contractor loans for folks without their knowledge of terms

Boeing 737 MAX and 787 need more repair work: FAA halts deliveries; cost cutting?

GM tells owners of Bolt to park it in the street after charging: fires may take home/garage


TIAA-CREF caught pushing investors into managed accounts with higher fees. Trust?

OK outlaws teaching about race and sex: “steamroll over truth in education.”



TX Dems leave work to save working on GOP’s  ‘ban the vote’ law


Who owns your account now?

Wells Fargo closes all personal lines of credit: ‘consolidation’ not working

Maine shift costs of recycling from taxpayers to companies: keep earth for us

State Auto Financial  to Liberty Mutual Holding




Secret to fast computing may lay in the ANGLE of conducting materials: 1.56^

130 degrees in Death Valley: Kills 1 Billion Sea Creatures: earth burning up!


Miami courthouse floors abandoned: fix “cracked columns”: hundreds of condos?

Moon shift means more floods in Miami & coastal towns “every day or two.”

15 Counties With the Biggest Flood Risk: ocean property for sale NOW


COVID-19 cure? After testing may be available to some

Engagement ring sales soar as we recover from pandemic: ‘work’ from home

Chefs using crickets and mealworms in their new dishes: bug pizza in London


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:



41 Watchung Plaza, B242

MontclairNJ   07042


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Friday, July 9, 2021

“Only little people pay taxes”


What are the chances of us reaching our goals?

We have a very good chance of reaching our goal of adequate retirement income by just putting our investment contributions on automatic. First, we need to realize that stocks and stock mutual funds are the safest way to reach long-term goals. Historically, a low-cost index of the S&P 500 stocks grows at 11% a year. An example is the Vanguard 500 Index fund which has provided 11.3% annual returns since 1976. Second, TIME invested is the key to success. Over 33 years, our $250 a month, $99,000 total investment accumulates to $1 million total. Third, Compounding over time is the miracle that turns our $250 a month into $1 million. Compounding only works for us if we don’t trade in and out of the market—we “buy and hold.” Fourth, we can set our spending in retirement so we never run out of money. We can determine how long and how much we can spend later in life using a Monte Carlo simulation of 100,000 market situations.

Let money work for you not your advisor:


What should we do when the stock market goes down?

This is the time when most people fail to reach their goals. But take a hint from the wealthy—don’t sell when the stock market falls. Rich people don’t sell when the ‘price’ not ‘value’ goes down. They know the ‘price’ will rise again if they have purchased ‘value’—solid business assets—either their own business or their stocks/stock mutual funds. In fact, the wealthy like Warren Buffett react to a market adjustment by buying; not selling! Stocks are on sale. Since most of us don’t have a ton of new money when the markets go down, we must just grit our teeth and “hold” on to what we have. Over time companies with value will increase in price. Check for yourself: enter 1970 to 2020 in this chart and compare the rise in value of $1. From 1970 to 2020, your $1 increased to $183.71. Some years you lost 37% but some years you gained 38%. Over time the annual increase was 12.19%--a positive increase. Don’t sell. Your $1,000 annual contribution to a tax-deferred account would be worth $3,986,886.77 or your $3,000 annual contribution would be worth $1,034,853.69 in 30 years.

Just buy and hold:


Your advisor may have outsourced your money management

Did you notice during the pandemic that your requests slowed and then speeded up? During the crisis, advisors responsiveness was taxed. Instead of making you wait longer for services or changes in your portfolio, large firms sent trading and asset change requests to others or computers using standardized models. Using new models-based products, advisors may have found an answer for more profits. By applying “pre-set investment models to investors at scale, advisors have been able to delegate less differentiated services, such as trading processes, to trusted third parties, allowing them to instead focus more directly on client service.” In doing so, not only can they save time and energy, but they can also limit vulnerability and reduce strain on the process [read costs]. Thus you may be paying for automated services/products that you can receive from a Robo at a QUARTER the cost.

Hey, you pay the fees:



“Only little people pay taxes”

Trump’s employees are now under investigation for not paying their taxes. Trump is not. Trump has made it his life’s work to not pay taxes. He boasted in the debates, “I’m smart” to not pay taxes. He believes like Mrs Helmsley that “only little people pay taxes.” Those who have money have hired the smart accountants and lawyers to design their empires in such a way that they themselves don’t pay much of their income/assets in taxes. We are the ones who pay most of the taxes because the American system was built on taxing payroll income taxes—and even taking taxes before we leave work on payday. The wealthy don’t live on normal income. They have worked the system to take revenue as loan proceeds (0% tax) or capital gains (0%, 15% or 20%). For instance, Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest Americans, pays only 17.7% while his workers pay double: 32.9%. Trump pays less or nothing because his consultants use tax tricks to help him avoid his fair share. For instance, his return claimed a tax deduction of $21 million for promising not sell the trees in his backyard. The IRS would fine you if you tried that.

Use your tax-FREE account:


Will the new taxes on the wealthy hurt us?

If your family is using a ‘dynasty trust or ‘generation-skipping’ trusts, you should worry. These vehicles that wealthy families use to benefit multiple generations of descendants are being targeted. These tools are used by the top 0.1%—trusts that can move millions, and sometimes billions, of dollars to heirs tax-free. Biden’s plans to make heirs pay more, equalize rates between investors and workers, and boost taxes on corporations and the wealthy by raising rates on low-tax offshore entities, will take time to execute. Meanwhile the wealthy have their specialists working to create new ways to avoid taxes. Those who recently moved to Puerto Rico to avoid taxes are getting letters already. Congress will no doubt try to thwart Biden’s efforts to boost capital gains taxes on the wealthy to ordinary income rates, and to tax gifts and large unrealized gains at death. The final language in any tax bill will be up to millionaires in Congress, and, assuming legislation is eventually enacted, some details might not be even settled until the IRS issues regulations. Our tax situation should not change much—unless you moved to PR.

Start saving tax-FREE:


How to save on homeowners insurance

After you receive your coverage, insurers are unlikely to cancel unless you don’t pay premiums, have too many claims in 1 year, or change your liability profile. Certain dogs, pools, backyard play equipment and hidden businesses are common reasons for cancellations. Flooding is becoming more of an issue in costal areas. Even Trump a climate denier is fortifying his ‘house’. Maintaining your home saves big repairs and the possibility of insurer concerns. I got a notice from my carrier because the sidewalk is uneven. I pointed out that every sidewalk in my town is uneven. I also had to cut down the 200 year old oak in the front yard since it was losing limbs—3 in one year—unsafe future. And NO you can’t deduct your insurance premiums from your tax bill despite what 49% of us think. Only Trump can deduct his premiums and new seawall because he lives in his hotel. Save on financial services by shopping for essential coverage.

Ask for your possible discounts:


Is a religious health care plan right for you?

You may have heard about health care sharing ministries. These are nonprofits with religious overtones that look and sound like health insurance, but rely on contributions of its members to cover fellow members' medical bills. They promote these plans as cheaper than for-profit health insurance. However, if you ask, these plans don't have to follow health insurance regulations, and thus can exclude pre-existing conditions and anything they feel is immoral or too expensive. You many be left with $thousands in unpaid bills because unforeseen things happen. HCSMs are not under a contractual obligation to pay members' medical claims. It is voluntary and you must negotiate the costs of care. Real health care insurance is obliged by law to pay all your bills for covered illness/accident. The current law prohibits health plans from putting annual or lifetime dollar limits on most benefits you receive. With ACA ObamaCare subsidies and no mandate, you are better off using a local network provider of your doctors at contract prices.

Buy what you need:


How to achieve financial independence on a worker’s wages

Financially independent: the ability to reach all your financial goals. To be free to pursue what is really important to you. Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger have been operating independently for over 50 years. They recently explained: “We made a lot of money. But what we really wanted was independence. And we have had the ability since pretty much a little after we met financially we could associate with people who we wanted to associate with. We’ve had that luxury now for, you know, 60 years or close to it. And, and that beats 25-room houses and, you know, six cars or that stuff is, what really is great is if you can do what you want to do.” Money helps you do that.

True freedom is the ability to control how you spend your time.






Like 1776, this period is a test of democracyWe rejected an "American fascist" once



Our Jan 6 ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission


Pied Piper leads terrorists to jail


535 terrorists charged; 300 more


How Govt wastes our money:

Trump can still evade criminal and tax outcome: skilled at deflection to others: BIG con

Some states don’t want children to learn about institutional racism: What to fear?

Half states see rise in Covid cases: deaths only in unvaxx victims now: Proof vax works


Mo Brooks (R-Ala.): I can’t be sued for inciting the coup because I’m an employee.

147 GOP who voted to overturn the presidential election and fueled the insurrection

NJ to exclude more retiree pension income in 2021: $100-150K gets partial tax break


New state taxes July 1 for incomes and gas and sales and other: Read small print

Wealthy contributors tell Congress NOT to pay for more IRS auditors: “audit the poor”




Vatican indicts 10 for financial crimes: but NOT 1700 for sex abuse of kids  Values?


Tyson recalls ready-to-eat chicken products due to possible Listeria contamination

Chips are the new oil: takes years to produce more and firms reset after Covid changes


11 armed terrorists “who don’t acknowledge US laws” fled policeMoors’ captured 

SCAM: “free” genetic testing kits that allegedly screen for heart conditions or cancer. 

Marlon LaShonda Moore “Blessings In No Time” caught pyramid: said ‘8 times’ return


Securities America failed to stop Hector May stealing clients’ $8 million; fine no jail

Terrorists use disguise of a Bible study group to build supply of explosives to kill Pelosi

John Robert Jones Jr GA caught selling unregistered funds lost clients $2.6 million


Drug pusher Sackler pays $4.5B suit for killing 500,000 from opioids: lawyers win


Biden trying to hide windfall from son’s “art”: new way to make contributions?

Trump terrorists still plan to return him to WH by August: planning a WH ‘tour’?

TX deputizing citizens, including outsiders, to stop abortions: medical vigilantes 



U.S. jobs gain largest in 10 months; employers raise wages, sweeten perks: that’ll do it

Russian ransoms earn $70 Million as companies fail to backup/secure passwords.

Slave labor for the NY wealthy: no one to do lawn, iron, comb, cook, dress them


Who owns your account now?

No, you don’t have to use Win 11: you won’t have to buy a new computer either

Consumer Reports: Appliance reliability ratings: fridge, dryer, washer, micro, etc

Air Force will pay 26 victims’ families in 2017 TX church killings


Gun maker and seller sued for teen shooter’s crime: our insurance rates up

Surprise: What Did You Earn At Your First Job?  60 years is a long time to wait



At age 12, Abhimanyu Mishra became the youngest grandmaster in chess history.

At age 3, National Anthem done right:



We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:



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